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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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@ Randerthall - I used to be a city dweller, I mean I cried when I was left alone in our house in Rizal where people slept at 8PM. After seeing my first sunrise from our home, I changed.


@ Leira - work till late night, go home, watch a couple of episodes from my favorite TV series, bed. I usually have fun on Saturdays. :)





What makes you frown more, the drama queens or cheeky stuck-up muttonheads? Why?

Edited by darkeinjel
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Clubbing is my activity of choice B)



Neither. I'm desensitized to drama queens (I know so many of them so I just let them be) and I find stuck-up muttonheads amusing ;) I do get annoyed with people who are all hot air but no substance <_<


@Double-O Seven

Have a long and prosperous life filled with hot sex and financial security :lol:



Damn... People still type fast here in MTC :blink:



Do you still believe in love at first sight :blink:

Edited by Randerthall
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