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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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@ Danielle: Well for a woman, yes. She should be as tough....if she sees her partner cheats on her.

@ DE: legal action wherein you will win......for me is the best type of revenge.



Is it appropriate for a guy to interfere in someone's relationship if he sees his ex getting beaten up physically by the present SO?

Edited by Double-O Seven
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@ 007 - it's best to just give an advice through a friend, but not interfere personally.


@ Ms.D


Q1 - cheating is when the partner gets into an intimate relationship (not just sexually, it may include psychologically, emotionally, etc) with someone else without the knowledge of the other party. It may not be cheating if both partners are aware of the existing "relationship" and know what the boundaries are, NO attachment of whatsoever kind.


Q2 - Domestic violence should never happen. However, there are certain factors as to why this happens. Also, NEVER call the aggrieved party "stupid" because aside from physical abuse, there are also emotional and psychological factors which the abuser uses in order to totally control the abused. This makes the abused think that the only person in the world who would accept him/her would be the abuser, thus depending on the abuser for just about everything. (sorry kinda long answer)



Have you ever experienced being cheated on? What did you do?

Edited by darkeinjel
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@ Danielle's 1st question: an act wherein you do something illegal....whether it affects someone or not.

@ Danielle's 2nd question: an act which is strongly condemned for me. Everyone has a right to be injury-free. Besides, legal action is present should there be issues.

@ DE: yes at times. I was in college that time, the only thing I could think of is ignore it, besides....karma has a way of exacting revenge.




Why do you think people resort to violence just to get away with something? Does psychology play a factor on this?

Edited by Double-O Seven
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The Caribbean , ang ganda ng mga coastlines and islands.





Any pamahiin before / during / after new year celebrations ?


Bawal Magserve ng Manok sa Media Noche




I think for me, it's the Caribbean.


Were you able to go to the ACA?






Do you see 2013 better financially than 2012

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