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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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week 1:

Monday: catch up on sleep

Tuesday: eat up & plan your week

Wednesday: go out with long lost friends, get drunk, probably get laid

Thursday: catch up on sleep, cure the hangover, or if you got laid the night previous continue getting laid on the early parts of the day & then sleep the exhaustion afterwards

Friday: take the dog for a walk, if you don't have a dog then buy one

Saturday: wait for you're friend to call you because they'll pick you up to go out, if they don't call and it's already 8PM you call them and ask what the fruck is up?

Sunday: go to mass, refer to Thursday's itenerary if you're not religious


repeat week 1's itenerary ^_^


if all else fails buy a lot of pirated DVDs (preferably TV series'), buy all the comfort food you can gobble in 2 weeks, stay home, watch them DVDs while stuffing yourself silly ^_^


ever wanted to be a scientist while you were a kid?

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