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Shake & Bake Dynasty League


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  • 3 weeks later...
2nd Dynasty League





League Rules


I. In-season Player Movement:


1.i Adding/Dropping of players to be disabled once the PLAYOFFS start (Monday 12nn at the start of playoff week).

1.ii Trade review will be done by League Votes.

1.iii For GMs who have agreed to trade:

a. player for picks or

b. player for player + picks or

c. any 2 or 3 team trade that involves future draft picks.


We have to do it manually either by posting our approval/objection in the league page or in the league thread in MTC.


Five (5) NO votes will VETO a trade.




Commish.. Di ko naalala rule na to.. I just picked Ty Chandler & Luol Deng.

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I forgot. My fault. Since I failed to disable moves for the playoffs, Im not gonna disable it na from hereon.


Honestly, nawalan na ako ng gana sa liga na to and Im suggesting that we disband it na after this year. Any dynasty league where Chandler and Deng are dropped even if we keep 10 or 11 players every year, is not much of a league IMHO. Plus, there isnt much interaction in this thread. Its like a dead league. If you guys dont wish to disband this league, then I will just turn over commisionership duties to Jong and someone can just inherit my team for next season.

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^^ I beg to differ boss AJB - I just dropped Chandler this week - coz I'm in desperate need of biggie stats and I'm struggling to stay alive in this quarterfinal match-up (coz I'm still holding on to Bynum ever since he got injured). I think I could afford to drop Tyson - coz I still am holding on to Brook L., Bynum, and Jason Thompson as my frontline. I might have erred badly on that one - but I guess balancing the present and the future was at stake when I made that decision. It may turn out to be a very bad decision on my part - chalk it to a dynasty league noob error - but it was definitely a calculated one - and was not done on a whim.


I think that it is the same reason why Josh Howard was dropped in the main dynasty league (not sure but I think I read it somewhere) :)


but my bad - I wasn't able to check the adding/dropping rule for the play-offs...apologies commish

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  • 3 weeks later...

Point taken Gherome. My apologies as well if I was quick to judge.







This league is the saving grace to my fantasy basketball season. The only championship I managed to win this year.


If this league wants to continue next season, Jongkers will be the new Commish. My team will also be assigned to an incoming GM since Im bowing out.


Good luck guys and thanks for all those who actively participated.

Edited by agentjackbauer
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Congrats, ajb! :thumbsupsmiley:

Ang tunay na hari ng FPJ.


I also want to echo kville's shoutout to your work in putting up this league.

I guess the remaining managers will have to discuss it among ourselves.


I also like my small-ball team here of Baron, Monta, Iggy KevMart and Mario with the injured bigs Bogus, Al Jeff, Thad Young and Biedrins. Plus a bonus 2nd rounder.


Congrats ulit! :thumbsupsmiley:

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