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ask ko lang...which is better in terms of "job-work issue" I mean ano ang mas malakas or yung mas demanding in IT work field....computer programming ba or networking or hardware stuff....system programing...network programming or web programming...etc....ano pwede nio advice...thanks in advance!!!

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Wordpress is easier for simpler projects, but is more suited for web sites like forums. Joomla can be used for a wider variety of web sites, but isnt that simple to use and configure. I have used Joomla, and am starting to use Wordpress.


thanks for your sound advice Mr_Mister, how about the maintenance cost of the website do adsense work/:rolleyes:

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Mga Masters,


Pwede nyo ba ako tulungan i-convert itong code from VB6 to VB.NET (2010 Express)? I developed kasi a program for private schools at gusto ko i-upgrade ang code to .Net pero I am having problem sa coding ng ADO to ADO.net


Here is the code I use:


Public Conn As New ADODB.Connection

Public Rs As ADODB.Recordset

Public Fld As ADODB.Field

Public ConnString

Dim Arr_Enrollees()

Dim Ctr



Private Sub Form_Load()

ConnString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=littleangel_db;UID=pss;PWD=pss;OPTION=3;"

Set Conn = New ADODB.Connection

Conn.ConnectionString = ConnString


Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer


with Rs


.open "select count(*) from file_enrollees", Conn

redim Arr_Enrollees(.fields("count(*)"), 2)


.open "select * from file_enrollees", Conn

if not .eof then



do while not .eof

Arr_Enrollees(Ctr, 0) = .fields("enrollees_fname")

Arr_Enrollees(Ctr, 1) = .fields("enrollees_lname")


Ctr= Ctr + 1


end if



.open "select * from file_enrollees", Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


!enrollees_fname = "Juan"

!enrollees_lname = "Calintong"



end with

End Sub



Sana merong makatulong maka-explain ng simple kung paano ma-convert itong example to VB.Net / ADO.Net


Thanks in advance


BTW. MySQL pala gamit ko

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest djunya2006

Good morning, sorry in advance kung OT ako, gusto ko lang malaman kung pwede akong makahiram nang full version nang Windows XP. My current OS is Vista which unfortunately will not run the information that I need. Kindly assist me please.

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  • 1 month later...

mga bro, sino nka gamit dto ng MS ACCESS (as Fornt end) MySQL (back end database)

ano mga pros and cons dto?

sa napansin ko ung image dko ma retrieve sa MS ACCESS as front end...



i wrote a software in visual basic 6 using ms access as database. it was not very reliable. sometimes records were deleted without apparent reason.

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  • 2 months later...

good morning expert...

hope you can help me with this one...


what this code do is that it runs a query base on the variable entered by user...

and from the query result, one of the col must have a urlencode(link) to another .php


the problem is, instead that the result of the query will be displayed with link eh ang lumalabas is the assign variable with link..


can any one help me?




$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("Couldn't connect");

mysql_select_db("xdb") or die ("Couldnt find db");


if (isset($_GET['first']) || ($_GET['last']))


$first = $_GET['first'];

$last = $_GET['last'];

$query = @mysql_query("Select * FROM masterlist WHERE last LIKE '$last' && first LIKE '$first%' order by first asc");


while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))


$valid = $row['archive_desc'];

$hhid = $row['hh_id'];

$por = $row['Poor'];

$fn = $row['first'];

$ln = $row['last'];

$mn = $row['mid'];

$ext = $row['ext'];

$bday = $row['birthday'];

$rel = $row['relationship'];

$city = $row['city_name'];

$brgy = $row['brgy_name'];

$datin = $row['Date Interview'];

$prov = $row['prov_name'];

$respo = $row['Respondent'];


echo '<tr><td><a href = "family_comp.php?hhid = ' . urlencode($row['hh_id']) . '"/a>$hhid</td><td>$valid</td></tr>';



----------------------end of code------------------

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mga bro, sino nka gamit dto ng MS ACCESS (as Fornt end) MySQL (back end database)

ano mga pros and cons dto?

sa napansin ko ung image dko ma retrieve sa MS ACCESS as front end...



Any reason why you want to use Access as the front end? I think you'd be much better off with your own PHP-based web app for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

mga bro, sino nka gamit dto ng MS ACCESS (as Fornt end) MySQL (back end database)

ano mga pros and cons dto?

sa napansin ko ung image dko ma retrieve sa MS ACCESS as front end...



I was just wondering kung bakit MySQL ang pinili mo for back end database. I am using MySQL for web-based database programs written in PHP but requires installation of PHP and other server software.


Kung single desktop user lang naman, have you tried using MSDE 2000 or yung Microsoft SQL Express as your backend.

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