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soul ability is the 3rd bar... the yellow colored one. It starts at level 125. Press the letter U and you'll see 13 sots here for soul abilities. after level 125, for each mob you k*ll you get exp, sp and AP (ability points). 10,000 AXP = 1 AP.


These slots for Soul ability points are juts like slots for your pets. The big difference is that the skills you put here are not random. However you'll need to right click an Essence of Rune (EOR) to learn a new ability. EOR's are drops from mobs in the higher maps. they are pretty easy to get in the auction.


If you check the auction for ABility items you'll see here the complete list of runes and skills available. SKills are have level restrictions though and some require higher AP than others.


example of skills:



+exp if in a party

+alz drop rate

+alz amount rate

+ alz bomb drop rate




+Magic AMP

+Sword AMP



Guess my archer needs to level up a few more in order to make use of it. hehehehehe


nonetheless, thanks for the information.


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probably one of the reason why I'm a little paranoid in using bots is the fear of getting caught and having to deal with the hassles that comes with it.





Anyway, just a few things I'm not sure of:


Cabal Rider (??????)

LID (????)

RS (Ruina Station????)



cabal rider = third party program (3pp) or bot/cheat engine used for autoloots, autopots and SH among other things I think. you have to buy load/s for this to work


LID = Lake in Dusk, dungeon where map part is the required entrance key


RS = ruina station, ruina station muster card is the entrance key...

may also mean Remote Shop but in tomward's post probably is ruina station was what he meant

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now that you mentioned it, I seem to notice that some of my stats are a bit high even if I distribute my stat points based on the requirements of the armor set or the weapon. (for my warrior, I think medyo sobra sa agility)


Does this mean that for every level-up in Character Level or Skill ranks, there are also corresponding increases in stats (which is automatically distributed)????



I think it's:


sword skill rank up = + HP and + str & dex

magic skill rank up = + HP and + int & dex


not so sure about this, try surfing www.cabalwiki.com for specifics...

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I think it's:


sword skill rank up = + HP and + str & dex

magic skill rank up = + HP and + int & dex


not so sure about this, try surfing www.cabalwiki.com for specifics...



I also noticed that everytime your battle style levels up ..... defense, HP and the likes also go up. :thumbsupsmiley:





It amuses me sometimes that some high level players would be challenging my low level warrior to a PVP match knowing fully that its a total mismatch (sure loose ako) ........ I'm sure there are thousands of other players of the same level and they have to pick on me. hahahahahaha. (usually I just ignore them or run away)

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  • 2 weeks later...
it's for premium users who want to use the additional warp points in some maps eventhough their chosen nation does not have the winning bonus...


Oh i see ...... kinda pointless for me to buy those at the moment since I'm not on premium service.


Actually, I seem to notice that if one is NOT on premium service. Those "Hidden Helper" drops seemed faster.


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My WARRIOR is coming out just nicely, just achieved MASTER status as far as skill rank is concerned.


I have a question though ..... the TERRA BREAK skill looks to be a powerful skill but I noticed it has a slow cool down time as well as casting time. (i think 11+ seconds) the question is, Should I still get this skill ???? Or should I just save my 2.3 million ALZ for something else ???

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all I know about this stun lock combo is when a FA is able to put on a string of excellent hits in a combo. no matter what skills are/were used, as long as it were rated excellent the target would not be able to move (stunned/down/knocked back) during the duration of the excellent hits...

Edited by cheeselogger
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all I know about this stun lock combo is when a FA is able to put on a string of excellent hits in a combo. no matter what skills are/were used, as long as it were rated excellent the target would not be able to move (stunned/down/knocked back) during the duration of the excellent hits...


Ah I see ..... so it has to be EXCELLENT hits in the Combo, otherwise the mob might still be able to attack.


(Time to start practicing those excellent hits. hehehehehehe)

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Made some adjustments to the levels of my archer's magic skills ..... presently I use 3 skills on autofire.


Gravitation lvl 9


Shadow Shot lvl 20


Shooting Star lvl 9



With this set-up, there is significant improvement in the time it takes to take out a particular mob.  :thumbsupsmiley:

Edited by asmodeus
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One way to earn alz is by farming. Now, if you equip your character with the best farm sets, couple it with Bot,BB+ and premium, you will make a killing. If you want to increase your alz earned per hour, then go DUAL Client. Meaning, you will be running 2 or more cabal client in one computer. That's doubling or tripling your earnings. Here's how ----> CLICK ME! <---Dont worry, its just a blog i found in the net.

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