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fMLB Full Count 10


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Thank you, k-ville, for the insightful analysis on my team.

I share some of the views there particularly on the OF positions and the need to improve on the pitching staff.


As I've said, I'm still waiting for my match-ups with the above .500 teams.

And the current week is my first test.

So far, my team is holding its own.


Here's hoping na wala nang weekend reversals! :lol:




Demmit, I hope Fausty's injury is nothing serious.

I needed the QS pa naman sana kanina.

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Kakabasa ko lang in a newspaper kanina yung sa trade eh. Natawa talaga ako kanina eh!


@ Jong: no problem.. buti na't we're on the same page.


@ dh: I know.. it's pretty close on every stat. A last-day reversal could be imminent.


@ gOg: ok lang yan.. you're still way ahead in the batting cats.

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I don't know, but if you ask me, that kind of trade smacks of slavery or something like that.

People being reduced to a mere commodity.

Degrading. :thumbsdownsmiley:



Still waiting for the Cards to put Chris Perez in the closer role.

I guess they're still sticking him to a set-up role first.

Until then, I'm not calling him up.

Besides, my closers are holding their own so far. :thumbsdownsmiley:

Edited by Jongkers
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I actually have Chris Perez in our main fMLB, as a save-speculating relief pitcher, good set-up guy & handcuff for Izzy.

Gotta give due credit to you for drafting a future closer. He looks like Boof Bonser with filthy stuff; someone like Johnny Cueto.

I foresee him promoted to your major roster by next year.



If he actually does promote to the majors, it will be another feel-good story.

Just like your man, Josh Hamilton.

Lufet ni Duchscherer and Weavee

Edited by kingsville
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^ yeah.. near San Fran..


(nasa iisang trade lang yung dalawa.. :D)


And may feel-good story #3 ka pa: Jon "no-hitter" Lester



That Kershaw call-up was really fast. Dami na namang mag-uunahan nyan sa ibang Yahoo leagues.

Another factor is that they have 17 straight days? Wow.

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For now, he has this certain innings-limit.. Reminds us of you-know-who. (oo, yung taga-Yankees na RP na magiging SP)


His stuff and repertoire is said to be comparable to Lincecum from their arch-rival Giants. So I think he'll stick in the future.

But maybe not this year. Test drive nga ito, a la Masterson..

Their rotation is set with Penny, Lowe, Billingsley, Kuroda and the comebacking Jason Schmidt.

If they need a sixth starter (which is not common), he's the one then. He'll also stay if someone's injured/hurt.


Awa rin ako kay Kuo eh. Long reliever nga lang siya, as in loooooooong! Kay Loaiza din..

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I actually have Chris Perez in our main fMLB, as a save-speculating relief pitcher, good set-up guy & handcuff for Izzy.

Gotta give due credit to you for drafting a future closer. He looks like Boof Bonser with filthy stuff; someone like Johnny Cueto.

I foresee him promoted to your major roster by next year.


Thank you again, sir. :thumbsupsmiley:

With all these experts around me, it's not very difficult to learn a lot in such a short time.

Natakot rin kasi akong i-call up agad at baka magaya kina Mad Max at Masterson.

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@g0g and cheese - dont worry, i did some housecleaning in the NBA and 4 team threads, might make some posters disappear too if they dont get it from now on.. just point me in the right direction in the near future.. :hypocritesmiley:


@jong - la russa and rookies = oil and water


@k-ville - if you want to lock up the STL saves get franklin and perez, drop izzy he's done. :D

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^^ I read that from somewhere too, that's why I haven't called up Perez.

I hope the all-star break changes things for the better, for Perez, that is.


And I don't know about Izzy... I'm still holding on to him at the roto league.

If only because he's still the biggest source of my Saves there.


^^ I read that from somewhere too, that's why I haven't called up Perez.

I hope the all-star break changes things for the better, for Perez, that is.


And I don't know about Izzy... I'm still holding on to him at the roto league.

If only because he's still the biggest source of my Saves there.

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I sure hope Franklin gets to keep the closer gig. At least for this year :D

Unless Ryan implodes, only IZZY can replace him once he gets his groove back. May Bubuy be correct in his statement on that one.

only a matter of time.. of course im not praying for that but,


a. izzy is injury prone

b. izzy is an FA next year, STL isnt too keen on resigning him..

c. franklin doesnt have closer stuff, last time ERA was below 3.00 was in 1993

d. i said before that tony and rookies are like oil and water, but i still expect perez to close after the all-star break or late in the season when STL is out of the playoff picture

e. they're going with perez next year, unless a freak injury happens or his arm falls of during ST, they might as well take a look at what he can do now..

f. izzy is injury prone






and my team is plummeting down the standings, so what do i know? huhuhuhu.. :(


@anki - good pickup on taylor buchholz in the main league, might snatch the closing duties from fuentes..


@jong - still want to trade perez? :D hanep sa intro.. pinuri yung kalaban, sabay inquire sa SS.. hehehe..


@dusty baker - damn you! grrrrrrrrrrrr

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