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fMLB Full Count 10


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I have the two 1st rounders and a tier-2 SP (Peavy). :unsure:

(Uh, Fielder isn't going anywhere.)


Methinks your pitching staff needs a serious jolt. :rolleyes:


naks.. ibang level na talaga si (Fat) Prince! untouchable status na..

parang gusto ko magpa-balya doon; or magpa-sagasa.. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a241/shotgunslasher/mtc/hehehe.gif


Ok lang daw kay bro 3D yan! U-Jam is the man!

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I'm putting on the table almost all the picks I have for bats/closers. though it might have to be a "I-pick-for-you-then-trade-them-afterwards" coz my K10 is all filled up. if that would be legal...


Lind can/could be had for pick/s. offer me up here and I'll check again tomorrow/later...

Edited by cheeselogger
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