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fMLB Full Count 10


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Andy Behrens caught up with The Evil Empire manager bubuy on the way out of the dugout and cornered him with a few quick questions:


AB: Tell us something about the two trades that you recently made?

bubuy: Basically the trade with The A Team was made to make the 3-team deal with Mutts with Bats and Snitch Devil 24 to materialize. We had to look for cover in the CF spot until our main target gets called up in mid to late May, maybe early June. It's only a matter of time.


AB: Hunter Pence was penciled in to be a sure fire keeper at the start of the season and was poised to be the franchise's CF for a long time to come. What happened along the way? It looked like you gave up on the guy 4 weeks into the fantasy season. He's been hitting 13 for 26 with four doubles, one homer and six RBIs ever since the trade talks came up.

bubuy: Well, you have to give up quality to acquire quality. Everybody has a price. In fantasy, if you say someone is totally untouchable, you're not doing yourself and your team a favor and in fact you are limiting your options. It wasn't really giving up on Hunter, we were asked if Hunter was available and we explored our options on how to make everything work.


We know Hunter's going to be a good ball player for a long time and all but something's gotta give. And you know what, we got Jay Bruce out of all these. When you've got a guy ranked #1 by Baseball America and #1 by Baseball Prospectus, you know you've got something. So far he's been doing well at Triple A, 14/4/13/6/.338/.950 in only 19 games. He's a legit 6-tool fantasy player. Of course, we're keeping our expectations at a manageable level. He's just 21 and we're going to give him all the time to improve.


AB: Any upcoming trades or roster moves?

bubuy: The Bruce trade actually makes our roster much more flexible. When he comes up, he'll take up the starting CF job with Nick occupying the fourth OF spot. We could then drop (I hate to say this) Luke Scott to acquire a multi-position infielder or promote Daric or pickup another starter. Or maybe we could keep Luke in the lineup and shop around Raul Ibañez. I heard he's getting some interest from another team.


Right now we have 2 Rule 5 picks in the bag and we're looking at a couple of live arms out there that could help us at the tail end of the season or we could use the picks to trade for another established starter.


The two trades really opened up options for the whole team and to summarize it all, we got Jay Bruce plus SD 24's Rule 5 pick for the value of Adrian Beltre.


AB: Any closing thoughts?

bubuy: Man, we got ourselves into a lot of trouble by being in the Grapefruit League. We're currently running 3rd in the GL but only 4th overall. We don't expect to stay long there however as there is tough competition from both Leagues. To think otherwise would be disastrous. We just hope to hover around 8th to 10th and hopefully some miracles happen.

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In his recent visit to his shrink, Jongkers shared his thoughts about the big trades that he made this week. Admittedly NOT a baseball fan, Dr. Phil tried his best to listen to Jongkers rant about the future of the Mutts with Bats. At the risk of divulging the shrink-client relationship, below is the transcript of the highly privileged communication.


Dr Phil: Hello. So, how's it hanging?


Jongkers: A little to the left. :blush: ... Err.... :unsure:


<uncomfortable silence>


Jongkers: So.... Have you heard about the two huge trades that I made this week? Man, those are huge. :thumbsupsmiley: It practically re-shaped the future of my team and the league's landscape. You know, Mutts with Bats getting Hunter Pence, man! Hunter Pence! The guy's scorching hot this week.... And then there's Brad Lidge! Now we have all the categories covered. With Lidge aboard, and with his Philly winning, we can expect a Save or three every week. I'm gonna miss Edinson Volquez and Justin Upton, for sure, but hey, as Master bubuy has said, you gotta give up quality to acquire quality.


Dr. Phil: I'm not sure if I've heard about those trades. But I'm putting my money on the Lakers. Shaq and Kobe is the most formidable duo I've ever seen in the NBA.


Jongkers: Dude, that's the NBA. I'm talking about baseball, man. Baseball! What's wrong with you? <_< .... Anyways, I'll just have to tweak the lineup a bit. You know, it's a big hole at RF that Upton will be leaving. But it''s just a matter of moving Chone Figgins to RF and leave 2B to Ryan Theriot whom we acquired the other day from the free agent pool. Pence will be our man at the CF while Crawford will continue hovering at LF. With Hideki "Godzilla" Matsui who now bats 4th for the (damn) Yankees as the 4th OF and Rowand as the 5th, we now have a formidable outfield that combines great power and speed.


Dr. Phil: Oh... right. Sorry for that..... So, have you been sleeping well? Are the nightmares back?


Jongkers: Are you kidding, baldman? My team's in the Cactus League. The division leader is AJB and I kicked the butt of that team last week. The Mutts are only 1.5 games behind and in 5th place overall. I have no reason to lose sleep. And I'm sure that, after these trades, it will be the other managers who will be losing sleep. If they do get some sleep, it will be full of nightmares of the Mutts with Bats bashing their team's butt.


Of course, this assumes Mr. Ryan Howard Van Winkle would wake up from his deep hitting slumber....


Dr. Phil: So your team's name is Mutts with Butts? You sound too obsessed with butts.


Jongkers: Bats, dude. B-A-T-S, bats! As in baseball bat. See, I'm talkin' about a fantasy baseball league. Buttwipe!... Ooops! :lol:


Dr. Phil: Butts... fantasy.... hmm.... I think you're more sick than I thought you were. I suggest we double up your medication.


Jongkers: Shut up! Geez, can't you see I'm on the verge of RMOY here? That's Rookie Manager of the Year, dimwit!..... So where was I? :thumbsupsmiley: .... :unsure:


Aah, Ryan Howard! Well, despite his horrendous slump, some teams still express their interest on him, which only means his diminished value is very temporary. With his youth and power, he will remain to be the cornerstone of this team. In the meantime, I've snatched Eric Hinske to cover 1B. Renteria and Aramis Ramirez will continue to have their regular spots at SS and 3B, respectively, producing runs and ribbies.


The pitching rotation will still be bannered by Derek Lowe, Fausty Carmona, Oli Perez, AJ Burnett and the youthful Manny Parra. With the possible return from the DL of John Lackey in May, the pitching categories will be well-covered. :thumbsupsmiley:


Dr. Phil: Wait, there's a phoned-in question here from a fan of yours named Gangchicc.... Here she goes: "Hi, Jong! Mwaah! My question is: You have sex, err, six quality SPs. I can see now why you thought it was not too costly to lose a pitcher with Volquez's skills. Is any of those SPs still available?"


Jongkers: Thanks for the question, sweetie! I'm available too, you know :blush: .... Wait, to answer your question, my pitchers are available, of course, if the price is right. And with the arrival of Brad Lidge, there will be less pressure on the other RPs such as Chad Cordero, Jon Rauch, Troy Percival, Hideki Okajima and Tony Peña.


Right now, I want to give this new-look team a few weeks and see how it goes. Nothing's permanet, of course. ;) And, uhmm, Phil, I'd love to share some more thoughts on that question but I'd rather talk to her in private.... C'mon, gimme the damn phone!


Hello, gangchicc? How are you? .... I'm glad to hear you turned 18 already.... So, uh, what are you wearing right now?..... :evil:.....





Edited by Jongkers
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