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fMLB Full Count 10


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OT: pampasaya.. :lol:




edit: just appreciated what the Fish and the Rays were trying to do all along.

at FLA, traded Beckett and Lowell for Hanley, got Anibal and CV from the farm, added Cantu, traded Miggy for Maybin & Andrew Miller (& cash considerations, i think)

and Friedman's genius mind got TB to the WS last year..

Edited by kingsville
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do you agree if we should have "cap" limits for our minor leaguers stay in the farm system?



NO -


===== =====


if YES, what should be the cap limits?


a. 325 ABs (hitters) and 160 IPs (pitchers)

b. 375 ABs (H) and 190 IPs (P)

c. 425 ABs (H) and 220 IPs (P)

d. others (suggest your own :P)

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do you agree if we should have "cap" limits for our minor leaguers stay in the farm system?


YES - g0g

NO -


===== =====


if YES, what should be the cap limits?


a. 325 ABs (hitters) and 160 IPs (pitchers)

b. 375 ABs (H) and 190 IPs (P) - g0g

c. 425 ABs (H) and 220 IPs (P)

d. others (suggest your own :P )



just to clarify,


"yes" - since minor league ballplayers also have "minor league eligibility" which expires after a certain period; we can't/shouldn't encourage hoarding; and the FA pool needs to be restocked from time to time.


"A" seems enough since it comes around to 81 games or about half a season (bat)/26 games (for SPs)...

if a prospect sticks around that long, it's either he's got good reason to stay or the team just can't suit up enough guys.


picked B since it's somewhat more reasonable (93/31).

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do you agree if we should have "cap" limits for our minor leaguers stay in the farm system?



NO -


===== =====


if YES, what should be the cap limits?


a. 325 ABs (hitters) and 160 IPs (pitchers) -

b. 375 ABs (H) and 190 IPs (P) - denimhead, gift_of_game, TripleDouble, consiglieri, joshiasi

c. 425 ABs (H) and 220 IPs (P) - cheeselogger

d. others (suggest your own :P) -

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i think if someone mistakenly drops his farmboy (after a call up), it should be the same rule as what we have now.. anyone can pick him up..

a couple minutes browsing thru the by-laws wouldnt hurt.. if someone isnt so sure about a move they're going to make, you can always drop me a PM or i will reply to the post to clarify it..

is there any part of the rules na mejo confusing? di kasi ako magaling sa words at pag-i-explain eh.. :P siguro you guys can help me out to "re-phrase" some stuff..

Edited by bubuy
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do you agree if we should have "cap" limits for our minor leaguers stay in the farm system?



NO -


===== =====


if YES, what should be the cap limits?


a. 325 ABs (hitters) and 160 IPs (pitchers) -

b. 375 ABs (H) and 190 IPs (P) - denimhead, gift_of_game, TripleDouble, consiglieri, joshiasi, Jongkers

c. 425 ABs (H) and 220 IPs (P) - cheeselogger, kingsville

d. others (suggest your own :P) -


So we can have a longer look on the farmboys.

Maybe they had checked their flaws and correct their stances or anything in that extra 50-100 ABs/30 IPs..


to be implemented for next year, right?

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