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fMLB Full Count 10


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hmmm.hindi naman ako magaling sa pag assess ng team pero your team looks talented to me...


medyo bad hit ka lang din ng Arod injury...and slumps from your heralded players...Martin/byrnes/Rios...


though you should get out of that jam...intrigued with your pitching though..


well...given my experience...you can never be secure with gagne around :P

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it doesnt help that you have 2 pitchers on the dl .. and arod too .... plus having a slumping outfield with a batting ave of .141 doesnt help yr cause .. for a team built on speed remember... you cant steal first. either be patient with yr outfield i think theyll get out of the slump somehow .. hopefully soon .. or make deals to improve yr team ...

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yeah... the famous michael bourn war cry - "you can't steal 1st base"... RAWR!


well, i've looked at the FA pool, and, well, the only candidate for the chopping board is milledge, and still, the dude's got potential that i can't resist...


...wandy's been a personal favorite for years... he's a part of my "fireball" crew (kuo, shields, "death wish", halladay) which exactly aint firing or balling by any means...



... the infamous "SB" experiment failed miserably on month 2... and well, i'm just banking that these meatballs wake up for some second half explosion or something...



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dammit jong, you KILLED my boys BIG TIME...



(pondering retirement due to 3 weeks of uber humiliation)...



Tied naman tayo sa RBI at SB a.

And you beat me by .003 sa AVE. :lol:


Dude, impressive as my record here has been, bit I haven't beaten any above .500 team.

That's what I'm afraid of. :unsure:

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hmm...can't really put it down now since I gotta run bro, but picks and bags would be nice.

prop me?

i dont really have anyone who's a consistent SB guy probably kinsler but im not considering moving him for now.. any of my 2 rule 5 picks is available.. all of my starters are available too..


maybe we can continue talks tomorrow, i gotta run too.. err, walk for that matter.. hehehehe..






nick swish, thome - available for rule 5 picks or a pack of boy bawang

Edited by bubuy
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Any diagnosis for my floundering crew? Except for the Izzy meltdown, Carlos Pena hitting .215 and Orlando Cabrera .225 average, those problems I already know. I cant seem to put a handle on my team's problems.


I think I need to improve on my pitching.



Thoughts, anyone?

Edited by agentjackbauer
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me thinks its the L, era and K's.. which you rank in the bottom half of the league .. and luck of the schedule ... snitchy and mutts are 1 and 2 in the league standings .. and you faced the mutts twice.. if i didnt stream as much as i did for our matchup i think u mightve split or won the QS and K cats

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^I'm no expert especially with how my teams suck but lemme take a shot at this...


your team doesn't have a lot to complain about besides that maybe they're just haven't found their grooves yet. having Wright, Peña, Francoeur, Granderson and even Loney takes care of your power numbers when they are on a tear. that being said, Curtis, Carlos and Jeff's slow start is hurting your team now so no need to fret too much. McLouth, Kemp and Hart's good to great start is one of the bright spots for your team so if you really want to capitalize on this you could stream a bit to add more punch. Pedroia and Cabrera are supposed to provide speed but since the White Sox including Orlando ain't doing so well so far, Dustin is the only one so far living up to expectations. Laird doesn't jump out on me too much and the Rangers not really being the hotbed of runs and power numbers tells me maybe there are better options than him for your C position.


your staff is well rounded enough led by Hudson, Haren and Oswalt with solid closers in Fuentes and Sherrill. the Indians "suprising" rotation run might be starting to end but the Byrd roster spot might be solid enough to keep until he starts giving up runs again. Contreras and McGowan might not be showing so far what they really can do but Jose, after a more than atrocious season last year, is showing signs of regaining top form. the former Nets Hendrickson is the pitcher I am mostly having doubts with since he really never produced fantasy sexy numbers to warrant a spot. summing it all up, having 2 remaining good closers might not be enough to provide a steady dose of good averages to compensate for a couple or two bad outings of your starters. but having 3 legitimate aces tells me you have more than 1 good reason to trust your arms even with Isringhausen injured so far.


hope this helps...

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Wala akong maiko-contribute na advice.

Nangangapa rin lang ako e.... I just ride on the streaks.

Dumping the slumping to the bench.


I just pray that when the bats go cold, that at least the pitchers will do their part and get half of the cats.

And vice versa. ;)



On another note, I think this is the first time that my team is facing a winning (above .500) team.

The "gods of favorable schedule" doesn't love me anymore.

Oh, no. :wacko:




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Denim and Cheese,


Thanks a bunch for your thoughts.


My pitching is just not good enough. Overall, Im happier with my batters than I am with my pitchers, especially moving forward.

Without McLouth and Wright, I dont know where my team would be. Laird is a mere fill-in 'coz Suzuki was ice cold for quite a stretch. Same thing with a couple of my SPs who are on the roster until I find new arms to stream.


My problem is, Im tempted to trade one of my batters for a quality pitcher. But unless that SP is for keeps, Im hesitant to push through with the trade since I cant imagine hanging on to more than 3 pitchers for next year. Otherwise stated, Im overvaluing my quality bats coz IMHO its easier to find a pitcher to stream than it is to stumble along quality hitting. The ironic thing is, with my mindset, Im having difficulty improving my pitching staff by way of a trade or waiver wire or FA pick-ups coz the league is so damn active and competitive.


On a side note, I reckon my team's current standing in this league (as well as those in other leagues) is also a reflection of my dedication (or lack thereof) to fantasy baseball. Admittedly, Im not as addicted and dedicated to fantasy baseball as I was in basketball.

Edited by agentjackbauer
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