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fMLB Full Count 10


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Dear Mr La Russa:


I commiserate with you on the Isringhausen situation. Five blown saves this early in the season certainly doesn't bode well... I understand that what you're planning to do, and evidenced by what your team did today, is to make a committee of closers. But I'm sorry to tell you: it won't work.


Having said that, I have four words for you: CALL UP CHRIS PEREZ! :thumbsupsmiley:


Cardinally yours,





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Don't worry, Ryan Franklin can take over for a while.



But I still believe that the best move is to call up Perez. :rolleyes:



@master b


(Just kidding... I just love saying that word. :lol:)



@ajb brotha

Sensya na, bro. :P


But, seriously, I own yer team's ass!! :P

"Mutts on their Butts pala ha?






Nalilito na ako sa names ng teams... :lol:

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Yeah, you own me... for now. :lol: Pero kutob ko lang, akin ang huling halakhak. :lol:


The stats were close so Im not panicking. Perhaps its just a matter of getting the right players to play. (Although I bet the moment I bench one guy, he will hit a home run. Argh.)

Edited by agentjackbauer
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