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fMLB Full Count 10


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i think yes.. we all know that closing is a different animal than setting up.. betancourt was fantastic last year as the 8th inning guy, but when the chance to finally lock up the closers role this year, he has faltered..


it's the mentality of closing that is the big difference, it's also well documented the dominant closers sometimes have slip ups when put in non-closing situations.. these guys should have ultra short term memory, that's probably why a lot of people still has faith in the lidge and gagnes of the league..


jong, what's the price tag on chad?


Hmm, lemme see.... :unsure: Hoffman? Shields? :unsure: :unsure:


As for Okajima, I have dropped him in one of my leagues.

Wala namang cat na Hold or set-up e. :lol:

Sayang si Betancourt.




I have Kemp and Sizemore sa Bonds League pero olats pa rin ako dun. :lol:

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wait lang bros, may tanong ako kay commish...


sandwich pick order determined by standings at midseason right?

so hmm...that means I got a good chance at 1st?

sandwich picks are 2 addtl picks at season opening minor league draft.. 13th and 14th after the regular season gets 5 picks each, the rest 3.. the pick is sandwiched between rounds 1 and 2 and rounds 2 and 3..


rule 5 pick order yung mid season (after week 11 results).. all teams get to draft one "qualified" minor league player.. yes, you've got a good chance at first for the rule 5 draft.. :D


qualified = the player may already be playing in MLB right now but if he has a career 75IP or less he is qualified.. if he has a career 100AB or less he is qualified..



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