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Career Choices: Money Or Passion?

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when you choose money for career, do it passionately and rewards will follow. This choice may not necessarily be your passion, but if you have enough resources, you will be able to do and enjoy what you like doing...

on the other hand, if you choose your passion, i believe that it will be rewarding as well, it may not be financial reward, but fire and energy for your soul...


so choose well...currently, i choose money as i want to do my passion later on-I want to travel the world and build new houses with grand gardens.

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Well of course I am practical and I will always go for the one that makes me pay my bills on time. HOWEVER! Whats the point of being in a high-paying job, if you can't really keep it because you are not passionate about what you are doing? On the other hand, you are more likely to prosper if you do something you are passionate about

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