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Toughest, Most Physically Demanding Sport?

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Haven't tried rugby but coming from a football background, the hits are harder in football and it's why we wear helmets. AFAIK, when it comes to rugby, they really have to wrap the opponent up. No lowering of the shoulders and really coming up to hit someone hard.


Not sure you've watched too much rugby if you say there is no lowering of the shoulders and coming up hard to hit someone.... That is the way you are taught to tackle, to drop your shoulder into someone's mid riff and drive through them with your legs.


Have a look at these World Cup highlights - a real World Cup with the 20 best international teams who've made it out of over 100 playing nations:



Some others:




Don't get me wrong I like American Football as well but you are comparing apples and oranges.


American football is a chess game consisting of coach controlled plays that last a few seconds that sometimes end in collisions.


Rugby is a contact sport where each half consists of 40 minutes with non-stop play with no coach involvement - if you take a hit you have to get up straight away to keep playing because unless you are unconscious or have broken something the play continues.

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This would qualify as the "toughest, most physically demanding sport.


Our subsidiary company is organizing a basketball marathon. The objective is to beat the current record; 112 hours of nonstop basketball.


We need 24 players who will play continuously... under FIBA rules. It's a 5-on-5 game non-stop for approximately 5 days. All players will literally live on the basketball court... sleeping on the bleachers (while the others are playing)... and should be ready to get in the game anytime. There will be sponsors for food, energy drinks, vitamin supplements, medicines, uniforms (including shoes), beddings and other logistics.


This would be the real deal... tougher than the Iron Man challenge.


If there are parties interested, I would post the try-out schedule.

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