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Brain Vs Heart Vs Sexual Urges

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  • 6 months later...

The brain is the  epicenter and control station of everything. While the heart is the motor that distributes power to every organ for sustenance.That is why splurging too.much on paid siex is a lose-lose situation on you  that adter the hot steamy sessiion, your partner gets ti be paid and off she goes to the next one.  

Pity you just self gteed , that you.could have used the money on other needs.Come on , yoiu're not too.rich as you perceive to be. Your scarce resources will.be an issue in the long run.. So stop ,collaborate and listen. Before its tòo late, that resort to masturbatiom instead.with a couple.of. xxx movie clips instead  to assist you reach seventb heaven.

With the arguments presented  above, it's a clear   case of  Mind over sexual matters of the Heart!   Happy  huntiing   guys!

Edited by Devil-may-care
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Our brain is strategically designed on top  to rule over our heart and our reproductive organs. But the thing is kaming mga GMs dalawa ang ulo isa sa taas isa sa baba, mdalas may disagreement ang 2 heads. May sariling brain ang Junjun  kaya we surrender to his will.


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  • 3 months later...

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