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Tabletop Roleplaying Games


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That sounds like a good progression. Are they rolling up new characters during the switch or do you convert the existing ones? Do they like ascending armor class better?

i usually leave it to a vote by the pc's. last time, they decided to re-roll their characters to easily fit into the Pathfinder genre rather than try to fit their backstory into the PF Histories

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Hello MiggyE I'm doing okay, and you? I found this quickie RPG posted in reddit and thought that it would be a great introduction to TRPGs. Quote:


"My favourite quickie is stating that "The game ends with all the players in a warehouse pointing guns at each other" and then going to the first player "You wake up. Where are you?" Then just keep juggling, asking players for input a lot and just GMing, with all of you working together for the goal of getting to that last scene. No dice, GM's decision."


For the newbs reading thus, in RPGs GM stands for Game Master, a player who acts as both moderator and narrator of the game. He or she portrays the supporting characters, describes the setting and fairly arbitrates the outcomes of the other players' actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the late reply, kimkinnison, became suddenly busy in real life.

No worries, miggyE. :) that's better than bumming around :D back on topic, here's another micro RPG I found:


Techno-Psychic Samurai

A cyberpunk thriller game


Players are street samurais with awesome mind powers in a corrupted city controlled by evil corporations.


Characters have three stats:

Techno - use it for computer and technologic stuff

Psychic - use it for mind stuff and to use your awesome mind powers

Samurai - use it for all combat stuff

To create your character assign 5, 3 and 1 points to the three stats.


Whenever your character do something challenging or face a NPC, roll 1d6 and add the value of one stat. If the result is 7 or higher, the action is successful. Narrate what happens.


If you fail a combat action while facing a NPC, your character gets one wound. After 6 wounds, you character die.


Source: http://www.1km1kt.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=4544#p24171

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thats a good quickie game, basically a super-basic version of Shadowrun. Technos are a meld of the deckers/hackers and their commlinks and cyberdecks, and technomancers who can access the Matrix(internet) with their minds alone. Samurais are there, with options for bioware and cyberware, and adepts, who channel their magic into physical feats. Mages and Shamans for the real magic. as well as a whole mess of character races

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