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Writings of the Heart

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This is the love story of Jack and Jill:


Jack and Jill went up the hill

With a keg of brandy

Jack got stewed, Jill got screwed

Now it's Jack, Jill and Andy.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

For just an itty bitty.

Jill's now two months overdue,

And Jack has left the city.

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill

And planned to do some kissing.

Jack made a pass, and grabbed her ass

And now two of his front teeth are missing.

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Don't justify all the lies that you've said. I won't believe you anymore.

I tried to understand the situation but you're making this more complicated as it is.

Again action speaks louder than words. You became complacent. I thought I am secured.

We failed again. And as I've said I'm not coming back for another bouts of lies.

Love is not sweeter the second time around because the timing was off the first time.

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I've been meaning to put this out but I just can't post this up on my Facebook wall so here I am.


It's been a while since I've had a girlfriend and I've read in another thread about online hook-ups. Tried the app and honestly, it does work. I've had a few chats where sex is brought up and my chat mates seems to be game. Thing is, when an invitation to meet is presented to me, for some weird reason, my "Kuya" mode turns on and I kinda turn down the offers. When I was younger, I'd take each and every opportunity to get laid for free. Then I just realized how much I want sweet soft kisses, good conversations while cuddling and prefer sweet love making than cheap sex where a connection is actually part of the equation. And is it crazy if I actually prefer to see a girl's smile meant for me than a naked random woman in my bed. Still hoping I'd meet the right woman for me one of these days

Edited by staticghost
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