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Writings of the Heart

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The heart wants what the heart wants...


You may spend all that time trying to catch her attention, and while you may have for a bit, but then suddenly he comes and simply says "Hi!", and she will drop everything (that includes you) just to get his attention.


While you may feel bad about it, think again... while you are spending all this time trying to catch her attention, someone else is trying to catch yours, and you are ignoring that person for it.


It is just the way things are...

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Why Im Letting You Go


Out of all the people I fell in love with, you were the one who I pictured a life with. Not any life, but the life Ive always wanted. You were the one that I felt something with I have never felt before. You were the one whose with, it made sense. You were the one of my dreams. You were a wish that came true too soon. A dream that turned to a nightmare, a disappointment, a heartache. Please believe me when I say that I forgive you. I dont hate you but I most definitely hate the way you let me go. And Ill never understand how easily you did it. Ill never understand how flawlessly you forgot about me. But, I forgive you because I really loved you. I forgive you because I dont want to give you power over the person I am and the future I could possibly have. I forgive you because I dont need you to tell me what the truth is. I forgive you because thats just who I am. This is me letting you go for good. Im accepting the fact that you belong with someone else. That someday, youll be waking-up next to someone who isnt me. And that someday youll be someones everything. Im letting go of hope that youll contact me. So, Im blocking you everywhere. Im letting go of fantasizing that youll tell me youre sorry about everything just one last time. That youll tell me how much you missed me, but most importantly, that youll show it. Im letting go of my desire that youll let me in, not half-way, not sort of but completely. Im letting go of me thinking that youll come back because its always been me. Im letting you go. And its not because I dont love you still. Im letting you go because I want to be happy. I know that without you, I am not happy. But, I also know that with you I am not happy either. So I need to find my medium place where I am happy regardless. A place without memories of you in it, a place without a picture of you in it as well. I need to start over. Im letting you go because you gave-up. You gave-up on me, you gave-up on us, you gave-up on love. And so I get it when you said you had nothing to fight for. Im letting you go because loving you has no meaning if it only stinks, if it only pains me. Because I cant tell whats real anymore. And because its my last resort. Im letting you go because slowly but surely you too, let me go.

Painful but full of meaning

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