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Writings of the Heart

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To The Man Who Will Never See My Worth

I wont be there for you anymore when you are bored. No more midnight calls and sweet messages. You wont hear my sleepy voice again when you call me at 3 A.M. while I am fast asleep. I wont beg you anymore to listen to what am I saying because it is so boring for you. Some of your stories are dull too but I enjoyed every bit of it. You will never hear me laugh again while you crack your silly jokes. Yes, I wont be there for you anymore.

Just so you know, it is so hard for me to do this. Ive spent many nights overthinking on how to stop thinking about you. Ive shed bucket of tears everytime you made me feel so disliked. Ive wrote lots of poems just to express my pain of being ignored by you. But I want you to know that it ends here. No more overthinking. No more tears every night. And for my future poems, they wont be about you anymore. Im letting my feelings go because it is slowly killing my soul. Im losing my happiness that is used to burn so brightly inside me.

Thank you for making me realize that I deserve better. Thank you for making me question my self-worth, I am working on it. Thank you for letting me enter your life even if it is just the outermost layer while Ive let you touch my core. But the one thing Ive wanted to thank you the most is you triggered the poet in me, so thank you.

For the last time, I want to say sorry. Sorry for being so clingy and needy. Sorry if I assumed that you like talking to me everytime thats why I called you every chance Ive got. Sorry if Ive fell to deep in this pool of emotion when all youve wanted is to chill and just enjoy the heat of the sun. I am so sorry.

Someday, I know someone will enter my life and loves being in it. Someone will enjoy listening to my stories about the books Ive read and the songs I like. Someone will call me just to know how is my day going and will cheer me up if it is not so well. Someone will text me good morning and good night with a smiley. Someone will appreciate my poems and beg me to make more. It is so heartbreaking that you never did but someday, I know someone will see my worth.

To The Man Who Will Never See My Worth

I wont be there for you anymore when you are bored. No more midnight calls and sweet messages. You wont hear my sleepy voice again when you call me at 3 A.M. while I am fast asleep. I wont beg you anymore to listen to what am I saying because it is so boring for you. Some of your stories are dull too but I enjoyed every bit of it. You will never hear me laugh again while you crack your silly jokes. Yes, I wont be there for you anymore.

Just so you know, it is so hard for me to do this. Ive spent many nights overthinking on how to stop thinking about you. Ive shed bucket of tears everytime you made me feel so disliked. Ive wrote lots of poems just to express my pain of being ignored by you. But I want you to know that it ends here. No more overthinking. No more tears every night. And for my future poems, they wont be about you anymore. Im letting my feelings go because it is slowly killing my soul. Im losing my happiness that is used to burn so brightly inside me.

Thank you for making me realize that I deserve better. Thank you for making me question my self-worth, I am working on it. Thank you for letting me enter your life even if it is just the outermost layer while Ive let you touch my core. But the one thing Ive wanted to thank you the most is you triggered the poet in me, so thank you.

For the last time, I want to say sorry. Sorry for being so clingy and needy. Sorry if I assumed that you like talking to me everytime thats why I called you every chance Ive got. Sorry if Ive fell to deep in this pool of emotion when all youve wanted is to chill and just enjoy the heat of the sun. I am so sorry.

Someday, I know someone will enter my life and loves being in it. Someone will enjoy listening to my stories about the books Ive read and the songs I like. Someone will call me just to know how is my day going and will cheer me up if it is not so well. Someone will text me good morning and good night with a smiley. Someone will appreciate my poems and beg me to make more. It is so heartbreaking that you never did but someday, I know someone will see my worth.

this made me teary eyed. its like I wrote it too for a woman that will not see my worth.

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It's been over a year. Let's make amends to our past. We both tried. We both gave. We both exerted effort. We both spoke and tried to express how we feel in the way we know. We both tried to be patient. We both tried to gave way. We both tried not to be depleted. We both had good intentions. Perhaps, this is just not our time. And perhaps, we are just not right for each other.


I once gave you my heart and steered in the future with your beside me. I must admit I really thought you are the one. I really did prepare for you to be your right one.


I'm making peace with you. With all your could-have-been's, with all our could-have-been's, with all our what-if's and with all our if-only's.


Goodbye to being heartbroken by the idea of an un-actualized idea of you. Now I fully accept that it's just the idea of you I have been holding on to. Perhaps by now, you are thinking of the same thing. That's not so bad. We both wanted to believe because we both wanted to take a leap of faith. It's okay now.


I am ready to move on.

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A post from Truth Slap FB Page as shared by a friend:


"Here's the truth, ladies.


Being pretty doesn't keep a man.

Being honest doesn't keep a man.

Being loyal doesn't keep a man.

Treating a man good doesn't keep a man.

Being there for a man doesn't keep a man.

Caring about a man doesn't keep a man.

Making an effort doesn't keep a man.

Paying attention to a man doesn't keep a man.

Spending time with a man doesn't keep a man.


You could have the best intentions, you could have the most sincere feelings, and you could be a good woman and

you still wouldn't be able to keep a man because the only way to keep a man is if that man wants to be kept by you.


You can't force a man to be with you.

You can't beg a man to stay with you.

You can't love a man into loving you.

With a man, you could tell he wants to be kept when the relationship gets hard and he does everything to fight for you

because a man only fights for a girl he wants to belong to

so if he isn't fighting for you when things get hard, then that means he doesn't want to be kept by you anymore.


The moral of this?


Don't hold on to a man who doesn't want to be kept by you.

No, you're not giving up on him.

It's him who gave up on you, and it's you who shouldn't waste any more of your time than you already have.


Know when it's time to let go, know when it's time to walk away, and know when it's time for him to be unkept."

Words by: Teddy Nguyen

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"And I realized that I love you... More than a friend," it said as I read through the screenshot that my friend sent to me when she decided to finally say how she felt for this guy, who happened to be her friend for the longest time.


Before the confession, she was observant how the guy seemed to act more sweetly to her. She wasn't being receptive to it, but plain casual. She's been having this feeling for him for some time now and she didn't want to fall victim to this approach he was doing on her. Specially even when he started calling her "Baby".


The guy never replied to her confession, yet he went on commenting and liking her posts in FB. She wondered why. I told her that to make it easier, it's a public place or ground for him where he felt much safer to address her. There he didn't have to answer the hows and the whys. No drama, as he would most likely refer to it.


I could sense in our conversation how much she was being raked with anticipation and fear inside. I fully understand her. She didn't want to lose the friendship, at the least.


Days passed she got back to me and sent me screenshots again of the guy's post in FB. There he acknowledged having received a confession from a friend, and said that he felt like it was something he had to act up on at the soonest. That it felt that the clock was ticking much faster with the need to respond to it.


Still no personal text message or call from the guy. Which made her think all the more. She was trying so hard to be casual, but the question have always been at the tip of her tongue. Ready to roll out anytime if she would leave it unguarded. She was even contemplating to "unfollow" the guy to lessen seeing his posts in her feed. Of course, she knew it wouldn't help that much, unless she would instead "unfriend" him to avoid seeing those posts of him. Making it worst was when she started seeing posts of this guy about a current girl he was dating. So he's been going out and being busy himself?


Christmas Eve came and she was surprised when the guy sent her a text message saying that she deserved an answer to that letter she made. So he asked her to meet on Christmas Day and to bring foods. She said Yes with the expectation of hearing the, " I only wanted to go about with this as friends, and there's nothing more to it."


So Christmas Day came and that afternoon the guy informed her that he was caught in a traffic for some two hours and asked her if would want to postpone the talk to Tuesday instead. She replied that she'd wait for him. And he said he'd let her know if he's near her place.


We were having a simultaneous conversation over at FB while this exchange took place. She asked for my opinion if she would postpone it, and I said not to. I explained to get it over with, so she could move on as well and cut to the chase.


As the evening neared, she just prepared dinner for her Dad, when they were supposed to have it together. She told him she was meeting with a friend for dinner. She packed foods to bring for the guy and some other stuff.


Two hours have passed and she received no update. She asked me if she should ask for his location. I said No. Don't. Refrain from asking him, because if he intend to update her or was even considerate to give any update, he would have done it earlier.


Then the answer has finally unfolded, and Facebook provided it for her.


The guy just posted going live in Facebook while playing a video game in his room.


She was mixed up with frustration and anger after having seen it. Literally gritting her teeth with annoyance. She didn't bother to follow up. That was enough to let her know that he was no way near the area and he has no intention of proceeding to their meeting place.


She kept her silence.


Until after two hours the guy texted her and was apologizing for not having told her that he couldn't make it. She didn't bother to reply, even the next day.


She was thinking, even to a friend, you would never be this insensitive of their time. At least, that be considered. She was trying to preserve the slightest respect for the guy even after he ditched her just like that.


Few days after the guy would ask her if she was mad.


Jerk, huh?


I told her, "You know what? This guy has a problem. What is wrong with him? Even if he doesn't see this to be more than just being friends, this is way too much to be inconsiderate of other people's time. You also deserve some professionalism, you know?"


Restless nights came until she decided to finally give him her thought. She sent him a message saying that she was indeed mad at him. Told him that she decided not to answer his question in the heat of the moment, because she might not be able to control and contain her anger. Yet she didn't deserve to be ditched like that.


Then silence from both camps.


When we hanged out with a common male friend, we told him about this. He said that she shouldn't have told him, in the first place, of how she felt. This is opening up a door for the guy to feel like, somehow, he has the hold on you without anything being official, specially from his end.


Our male friend said that if the guy is actually interested in her, he would have made a point not to have her reading between the lines or having to go through each word he says. He would have made a move by then, considering the length of their friendship. Hence, there is no need for her to tell him how she felt.


Another input from him was that the confession she made, even if she tried to justify that she was just being honest, was still somehow a way to fish for an answer to a question. It was a move made to encourage the other party to open up and admit his feeling, because she was assuming that there was something going on between them. And again he said that if the guy would want to take their relationship a notch higher, he wouldn't leave her guessing or filling in the blanks on her own. He would make sure that she knew of his intentions.


This made me think that, yes, he does have a point. But a thought of being responsible with how we act or treat others should also be considered. This way we can eliminate giving mixed signals, causing the other to receive a wrong message.


While it is nice to be honest, as we justify it, or open to what we feel, the downside is when it doesn't get reciprocated. Right? Of course we want it to turn out to be favorable to us. And confessing about it gives us a lighter feeling after letting it out. Like something has been eating you inside and finally you got to down it in the drain. Yet, like what the elders say, we should also be cautious and learn to guard our feelings.


Your thoughts?

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Last share for the day....



"To the guy who broke me,


I gave it my best shot. I did all that I could to save our story. I gave it my all, but I lost the only thing I wanted most.

You were not what I thought you'd be. I thought that with every effort I gave, I would have the same love returned. But alas, I cannot have been more naive.

I was this silent girl, who seats at the back of a classroom. I was what they call an "outsider" for I had my own little world; a world found in the pages of the books I read. Friends? I have only a few, but they were true.

Thoughts on love was purely from my own understanding of what characters in my books portrayed, stories of my friends, and observations of others. I hated love, but also wished I could have the chance to experience it. I hated the pain that love brought, but I dreamt of the butterflies in my stomach, and chaos in my brain.

That's when you came in. I never expected it. I despised you because you were everything I wasn't. You fool around as often as you can crack a corny joke, which I concluded was very often. You never seemed to carry the kind of respect I have for love. You play around with it and get over it as quickly as 1, 2, 3.

You were boisterous, I was not. You were confident, I was not. You were friendly, I definitely was not. You had a string of lovers, I only had none. But what caught my attention?

You made me laugh. Oh, did you make me crack up. You made me feel safe. You made me feel special. You encouraged me. You were not what I expected but you still were. You gave me butterflies in my stomach. You made my organized brain a chaos. So was this it? Was this my love?

I thought so too. Although I detested the pain that love was bound to offer, I accepted you. I let you in. I did my best to prove that I was better than all your ex's. I ignored what little friends I have. I ignored their constant warnings. I ignored their comments. Because hey, I found love.

And found love I did, every single bit. To the joyous, magnificent ones, down to the hurt, and painful moments. Oh, how I cried! Every single tear, not because of losing you, but of the pain that I felt from every effort I wasted on the wrong person.

But you know what? You came back. I wasn't ready to accept you. I built myself a wall. Something far thicker and taller than I had before. I was ready to push you away, but one thing clicked. "Why?"

Why did you come back? Why did you leave in the first place? There are so many questions. But you've answered them. And I know you were telling the truth, because I can see it in your eyes. You cried, you begged, you went down on your knees and asked for forgiveness. But I already forgave you. I never held a grudge. I never were mad. I had long forgiven you. But letting you in my heart is another story. Something far more tedious and challenging than before.

But months of pushing you away, and continuing, I have got to say that you're a strong one. You never left. Even when I begged, screamed, cried, punched, pushed you, you never left. I was giving you a hard time, and here you are, accepting everything. I did all that I could to hurt you, you stayed. Then I asked why. That was when I knew you've learned. That was when I knew you'd stay for sure.

You've grown up. You've matured. And I am certain, this time, you're here to stay.

You see, it is not our mistakes that define us, it is how we learn from them that does.

The girl who has finally accepted

Edited by shhhhhh
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“Sometimes you want to say, “I love you, but…”
Yet the “but” takes away the ‘I love you’. In love their are no ‘buts’ or ‘if’s’ or ‘when’. It’s just there, and always. No beginning, no end. It’s the condition-less state of the heart. Not a feeling that comes and goes at the whim of the emotions. It is there in our heart, a part of our heart…eventually grafting itself into each limb and cell of our bodies. Love changes our brain, the way we move and talk. Love lives in our spirit and graces us with its presence each day, until death.

To say “I love you, but….” is to say, “I did not love you at all”.

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We all make mistakes.

We both made mistakes.

I know. I understand.

You were my rock, my source of power

in this dreaded world.


I gave you the love I thought you deserve.

I mustered every confidence that I had.

I crossed oceans, mountains just to see you smile.

In my mind, we have this beautiful world together.


All I ask is for your genuine love. Nothing more, nothing less.

You made me feel high. Your smile is the only thing that I need.

You became my strength and my biggest weakness.

Everyday I wake up of fear that I might lose you.


In an instant, my biggest fear happened to me.

I thought I lost you. The person I want to grow old with.

You broke me into pieces and I feel like dying.

I lost my purpose.


When your words started to sync in, I felt defeated.

Like a soldier losing a battle. I was ready to lay down my arms and raise the white flag.

Then you called. Then I heard your voice again. You were crying.

You were sorry. And I felt nothing.


I listened to what you're saying. You told me you made a mistake

and you want me back. I want you back. But I to feel this pain again is like putting

myself in the middle of the battlefield with a gun but without a bullet. I asked God if this is his way

of getting back to me with all the things that I've done in the past. He said yes. But I said this is just too much.


My mind is telling me to stop trying. My heart is saying something else. You are not perfect.

I am not perfect. Then forgiveness happened. I realized my love for you is beyond myself.

You realized how much I mean to you. I can see it in your eyes. I let my heart decide.


Starting all over again. It feels like when I first saw you. The same high, the same smile.

Let's give this another shot. Even if it kills me. For you. For us.


Oh, the things that we do for love.

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Hold on tight

'Cause life is touch and go

It's sink or swim

But never down

If you're out on a limb

I'll get the call

To break your fall

I'll never leave you

Even when life

Is touch and go

Or hit and run

We'll never break

If we take it as one

I'm here to stay,

I pray you know

I'll never touch

I'll never touch and go...

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I know I should be happy that you started texting me again after more than a month of the icy treatment, even receiving a call from you should have made me ecstatic.

Pinch in my heart and a tearful smile was all I had then. Perhaps, because I know those came from a different person and not from the one I loved so dearly...

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