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Who Is Into Scale Modelling?


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Sorry about that, Doc, but I was laughing at the fact that Roel's model kit stocks have been dwindling down, and his gaming area increasing over the years. I haven't seen new stocks in his store recently, which is surprising since Natalie's stocks are impressive and up to date. Also, I noticed that the works in progress in his modelling area at the back of the store haven't changed. Has he lost interest in model kits? Someone mentioned before that he's into fishing.


I was just making light of the fact that I have more kits than I can hope to finish. My wife claims that I even have more kits than Lil's Parksquare store as there are still hundreds of kits stashed elsewhere in the house. Roel has lost his interest in building kits. I used to drop by Hobbies and Comics to talk modeling with Roel and whoever modeler was around. But the last few times I was there Roel was talking about fishing so I just rolled my eyes and waited for an excuse to get out of there quickly. Natilie's place is great in terms of hard to find items like Alclad II and Tenax. But I can't talk shop with her or any of their staff.

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Sir, it might help if you share the model and kit # so if we have any of those we can share the manual with you :D


Sir, if you would be so kind as to check if anyone has copies of the instruction sheets to Tamiya's T-72 and Leopard 2, I would be most obliged. However, if anyone can direct me to the URL of a modeller's site that has instructions of kits posted online, that would be fine.

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Sir, if you would be so kind as to check if anyone has copies of the instruction sheets to Tamiya's T-72 and Leopard 2, I would be most obliged. However, if anyone can direct me to the URL of a modeller's site that has instructions of kits posted online, that would be fine.



Ok sir, Ill try asking around. I take it you are referring to the Tamiya A6 Leopard?

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I have been looking for the website that had instruction sheets from kits online. I went back to Tony Matteliano's Scale Model Index, a site I explored about five years ago because this was where I found the website:




Now I can't find it anymore and I suspect it was taken down due to possible copyright infringement issues. Anyway, this led me to another thought. I know there are two modeling clubs locally, the IPMS BAC and the IPMS Philippines. I have been invited to both and I try to go to the comps of both. For me, building models is a private thing, I build for myself and I can get angry or be happy at the way my builds turn up. But now that I need copies of the instruction sheets, I was wondering if maybe it would really be a good idea to join the formal modeling community. It has its pros and cons, especially now that we have two local clubs to choose from. So now, I'd like to get your opinions. Would you recommend me joining a model club. And if yes, which one?

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I have been looking for the website that had instruction sheets from kits online. I went back to Tony Matteliano's Scale Model Index, a site I explored about five years ago because this was where I found the website:




Now I can't find it anymore and I suspect it was taken down due to possible copyright infringement issues. Anyway, this led me to another thought. I know there are two modeling clubs locally, the IPMS BAC and the IPMS Philippines. I have been invited to both and I try to go to the comps of both. For me, building models is a private thing, I build for myself and I can get angry or be happy at the way my builds turn up. But now that I need copies of the instruction sheets, I was wondering if maybe it would really be a good idea to join the formal modeling community. It has its pros and cons, especially now that we have two local clubs to choose from. So now, I'd like to get your opinions. Would you recommend me joining a model club. And if yes, which one?


Sir, I hope you don't mind if I chime in with my two cents worth.


First off, I need to mention that I am aware of two IPMS clubs in the PH - IPMS BAC and IPMS Manila. I will also note that I'm a member of IPMS Manila. :thumbsupsmiley:


Concerning the pros and cons, I would say that so long as you know how to deal with people, the advantages of being with a hobby club outweigh the disadvantages. That's really what joining a hobby club is about -dealing with people, and it just so happens that they are all modelers! A hobby club has the potential to significantly accelerate your learning process and net you some really great friends in the process! Therefore my answer to the first question is, it depends on whether you are willing to socialize with some new faces and deal with all the accompanying intricacies of human interaction.


Now on to the second and more sensitive issue... which club should you join? Obviously, since I am from Manila I wont be going around endorsing IPMS BAC with a big red flag, but allow me to be fair to them. I think the best answer is, you should go to both and discover which one squarely meets your needs - as a person and as a modeler. Both groups will have their strengths and weaknesses and it will be up to you to determine which one you like more. Each group will represent a different set of people, personalities and ideologies that shall also be a factor to consider.


It's just like the age old question - Coke or Pepsi? Answer: Try both and you shall find out which one you like more!


If you are interested in "trying out" IPMS Manila, you can log on to our website www.ipmsmanila.com or www.ipmsmanila.proboards34.com.


Our group is just about having fun, we believe that skill in the hobby emerges from that fun and camaraderie. We make no distinction between experienced modelers and beginners because in the end we are just MODELERS plain and simple.


Thanks and Ill get back to you when I have your Tamiya manuals!

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Dr. Pepper,


Actually there are several clubs in the Philippines that are into scale modelling. One of them is called IPMS Philippines Bert Anido Chapter (IPMS BAC for short). They used to just be called IPMS Philippines but changed their name to honor the late Bert Anido (who I would consider a pillar of the modelling hobby in the Philippines). This club has been around since the 70's but has mostly kept to itself till the late 90's where they tried to spread their wings and show their stuff to the general public. They are the poeple who you see holding exhibits in SM Megamall. They hold meetings at the UP Fine Arts Bldg. every secod Sunday of the month.


Another club is IPMS Manila. This club is a rather new club but has been a chartered member of IPMS USA since its inception. IPMS Manila has been very active in promoting the hobby for the past five years and they have won the coveted IPMS USA Chapter of the year for three straight years now because of their advocacy. This is the club you see having regular exhibits in other malls such as Robinson's Galleria and Pioneer, Ali Mall, Festival Mall, Alabang Town Center and lately SM City North EDSA's The Block and Annex as well as Fairview and by July, Mall of Asia. IPMS Manila has been contracted regualrly to provide consultation in the creation of museum collections and regularly contributes models to museums like the Philippine Ports Authority, AFP Museum just to name a few. This club also regularly teaches the art of plastic scale modelling to kids everywhere but more notably at the Ateneo (who has an in-house club called the Hobbycraft Club). IPMS Manila holds meetings and lecture and demo sessions every 3rd Sunday of the month at their clubhouse in Pasig.


These are the two largest clubs around (by large I mean a membership of over 50). There are other smaller clubs in the metro like MotorModelers, IPMS South, IPMS Felix the Cat, etc. They are normally groups of friends who share the same passion for the hobby or a specific niche of the hobby. Also, there are provincial clubs but are few and scattered around the Philippines.


My advice to you is like all others here who have advised you earlier. Check them out. See what they can offer you in terms of growth in the hobby as well as an individual. See if the membership is much like you in most respects. I took this same route you are taking now about 10 or so odd years ago. I started modelling when I was 14 and have been on m own till I reached my 30's. That's when I heard of the exiatence of these clubs. I found that being in one not only provides you with the necessary skills to grow in the hobby but also the collective strength to exhibit your skill through your work as well as promote the hobby to others.




Best Regards,



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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts gentlemen. I actually know several people from IPMS BAC, even before it was known as BAC. I know Supermario and Tony Feredo, and I even have a personal autograph of the late Bert Anido when I purchased his book on the PAF. I also know at least two of the IPMS Philippines members, and one of them of course is Winston.


I have in fact attended one of IPMS BAC's meetings in the UP Fine Arts a couple of years ago, and while I was welcomed by a few, I still felt like an outsider, which may be normal, but for the most part, I felt I was ignored.


What was I looking for? I really just wanted to talk shop, it can get lonely not being able to bitch about how many tubes of putty I needed to fill the seams of a Zvezda kit, or how frustrating it is to work with teeny weeny photoetch parts. I like to look at other people's builds and ask them - "wow! how did you get that realistic rust on the exhausts and the tracks?". I want to do trades on kits that I bought not knowing that I already have them. I want to trade extra decals, look for some resin stuff, etc. things I do with a couple of friends that also do modelling on their own.


What bothers me is the travel time to the meetings, being ignored at those meetings or at the other extreme, being forced to listen to someone explain how he drilled out each individual rivets on the model and why my model is not realistic. I am time-challenged, and I have enough trouble trying to squeeze in some modeling time in between my regular day job and part time teaching job.


I also don't like politics, and I have heard some stories concerning the competitons which led to the creation IPMS Philippines, but I admit I only got one side of this issue.


So I still don't know.

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I agree with the distance issue especially if you go there for nothing. I was a member of IPMS Philipines (BAC) for several years until the politics issues you mentioned got the better of me. I know Tony Feredo personally (we just had dinner a few nights ago). He's one of the other "pillars" of the modelling community. It is a pity he's no longer with them too. I'm not saying politics can totally be eradicated in any club as I believe that it is a "necessary evil" for a club to run.


I do believe though that whenever you go to a meeting, you MUST be able to "bring" something home with you. In IPMS Manila, we make sure it is knowledge, maybe a few kits but most of all, the feeling at the end of each meeting that "I have learned" and that "I belong". I believe that this is very important so that as many members remain satisfied and active. Of course not everyone can be satisfied but we try to reach the most we can.


My advice to you still stand. Since you've already seen how things are in the other club, you may wish to pass by the IPMS Manila club meeting this month to see if we can resolve the issue of "learning" and "belonging" with you. Just let me know if you will have difficulty getting there. We can arrange something for you. We do not expect you to be a member of our club, though. We normally have many visitors who are not members but they are treated just like everyone else. Our meetings are normally on the third sunday of each Month at Octagon Subdivision in Pasig (near the back of Sta. Lucia) from 1:00pm onwards - give or take an hour or so...


We hope to see you soon...


Best Regards,



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then maybe you should try visiting an IPMS Manila meeting doc? so you can have a comparison. where do you live ba doc? i'm from las pinas and frankly, there are only 2 or three modelers down here. there are also some from laguna area.



I agree with the distance issue especially if you go there for nothing. I was a member of IPMS Philipines (BAC) for several years until the politics issues you mentioned got the better of me. I know Tony Feredo personally (we just had dinner a few nights ago). He's one of the other "pillars" of the modelling community. It is a pity he's no longer with them too. I'm not saying politics can totally be eradicated in any club as I believe that it is a "necessary evil" for a club to run.


I do believe though that whenever you go to a meeting, you MUST be able to "bring" something home with you. In IPMS Manila, we make sure it is knowledge, maybe a few kits but most of all, the feeling at the end of each meeting that "I have learned" and that "I belong". I believe that this is very important so that as many members remain satisfied and active. Of course not everyone can be satisfied but we try to reach the most we can.


My advice to you still stand. Since you've already seen how things are in the other club, you may wish to pass by the IPMS Manila club meeting this month to see if we can resolve the issue of "learning" and "belonging" with you. Just let me know if you will have difficulty getting there. We can arrange something for you. We do not expect you to be a member of our club, though. We normally have many visitors who are not members but they are treated just like everyone else. Our meetings are normally on the third sunday of each Month at Octagon Subdivision in Pasig (near the back of Sta. Lucia) from 1:00pm onwards - give or take an hour or so...


We hope to see you soon...


Best Regards,




Allright gents, let's see if I can attend one of your IPMS Phils meetings. I live in Paranaque so you can understand why I wasn't too keen on going to the meetings of IPMS BAC. Bugoy2004, do you have some sort of sub-chapter for us people from the south? On a side note, one other IPMS Phils member that I know of is an MTC member, although I have not met him personally, we have a mutual friend here and he lives over in Marikina. I also used to be active in Hyperscale and Missing-lynx, and I have done some trading with fellow modelers in Australia and have met Dave Gibson, a Brit who lives in Jordan, who used to do some of the masters for Paragon resin stuff, as he has a filipina wife and visits the Philippines every two years. I endorsed them to IPMS BAC but I don't know now how that turned out. Again, thank you so much for your insights and comments. I hope you will continue to bear with me.

Edited by Dr_PepPeR
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well doc since you're from paranaque area, maybe we could meet sometime. where exactly are you from pque? i live just across LTO Las Pinas. and i work in bicutan. we don't have a chapter here in the south but me and some friends of mine (2 actually) want to meet with modelers from the south. have a groupbuild and share model techniques etc. there's 2 from laguna but i got no reply when i sent sms. either they're busy or changed phone no.

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well doc since you're from paranaque area, maybe we could meet sometime. where exactly are you from pque? i live just across LTO Las Pinas. and i work in bicutan. we don't have a chapter here in the south but me and some friends of mine (2 actually) want to meet with modelers from the south. have a groupbuild and share model techniques etc. there's 2 from laguna but i got no reply when i sent sms. either they're busy or changed phone no.

Doc, Sir Bugoy,


Hope you can post here when you plan to meet up. Sama din ako! Taga-"south" din po!

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well doc since you're from paranaque area, maybe we could meet sometime. where exactly are you from pque? i live just across LTO Las Pinas. and i work in bicutan. we don't have a chapter here in the south but me and some friends of mine (2 actually) want to meet with modelers from the south. have a groupbuild and share model techniques etc. there's 2 from laguna but i got no reply when i sent sms. either they're busy or changed phone no.


I'm in Marcelo which is midway between Bicutan and Sucat. OK let me know if you want to meet up, I'll let you know if I can get away for a chat.

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