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First Thing U Did After A Major Break-up?

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What I did:

1. Went back into sports.

2. Went out with a lot of friends.

3. Traveled.

4. Spent more time with my family.

5. Worked harder so that I could afford all of those listed above.

6. Signed up on MTC. :lol:


What I would do:

1. Get a Twitter account.

2. Put up that long-delayed blog.

3. Go back to yoga and running.

4. Save and invest.

5. Be awesome.


So damn excited.

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When i was 21 years old, this beautiful girl whom i loved with the purity of youth was breaking up with me (i had only kissed and felt her up once or twice, and it was her first time; i thought to go further would have been less than honorable :lol: ). She was the one who said, "i must go and explore the universe," LOL. We were on their balcony where we had had such great times. When it became clear to me what was happening, i ground a lighted cigarette out on my palm and said, "i can't even feel anything right now." She winced. The scar's still there. Then entering our gate, i hit the concrete wall so hard that my knuckles were swollen something wonderful for a long time.


Now i can think back on it and laugh. Hahaha! :D

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After doing the usual of having a con-call with my closest friends while drinking cold beer, the next on the agenda is getting a haircut.


Read somewhere that cutting one's hair is a natural psychological reaction after going through a significant change in life (such as a break-up) . You feel the urge to do something that will symbolize that you're cutting off the old (and, quite literally at that).

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Cried a bucket and more, then opened an MTC account


Now, im still hurting but pain is more tolerable. It does not help that the guy still texts me once in a while para mangamusta. But im moving on.... so I signed up into a martial arts, spending more time travelling and creating my own blog.

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1st. change my status from facebook to single (thats the trend now a days.)

2nd. Work my self to death (it will help you a lot and also earns a lot doing a lot of overtime)

3rd. need to plan something as weekend approaches. (weekend sucks during break-ups.)

4th. Redhorse is indeed helpful at those times.

5th. Be happy in some thoughts your already free.

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