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6th MTC Fantasy NBA


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Oo nga pala, no?


Hmm... kasalanan ni k-ville e.

Gumawa pa kasi ng video.




ako pa ang sinisi amfufu.. haha!

hala sige, get back to my POOL (D-League) and play your game, NOW! :lol:


good vid btw, pero...


(bro 3D, peram punchline!)

Iche-check ko sa calendar ang matchup natin! :evil:

SQUARE na lang tayo! hehehe..

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sorry if this is late. I got held up in the Philly with the rain and all.

Vote for Change!


Cousin Barry's Premiere League Review (Guitar Hero Edition)



Snitch Devil24

Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name

I'm telling you right now, mark my words, this is the team to beat!

There's no way Wade doesn't have an eff-u season. No way the Truth doesn't get greedy now. No way Captain Jack becomes irrelevant in NellieBall.

Of course, it would be nice if Snitch had more bigs to throw at guys but that's why trades are made.


DLeague 2009

Alice in Chains - Man in the Box

This really isn't a typical Gwaps squad but it has enough to make it happen. Jamison, Jefferson and Okur aren't the most popular big man picks out there but they get it done. And there's good reason to expect a great year out of Rose, Williams and Crawford. The bench could use some work and this is where The Champ's managing skills will shine through. Count on it.



Rammstein - Du Hast

Can't go wrong with Dirk. Or French Tony. Or Boozer. Or BRoy. Even Maggette has quite a bandwagon barker in Bill Simmons.

No real sexy pick here unless Caveman Kaman turns you on. A good year out of Nate and Martian, a decent one from Buckets and a back-from-the-dead campaign from utility man Bobby Simmons will be enough to prop this club into the playoffs.


Flint Michigan Tropics

The Doors - Break On Through

STAT's coming dangerously close to taking that next step from the Karl Malone evolutionary line. Nagging random injuries aside, it could very well be this season. Expect to see Rashard become the 25-point scorer he was paid 100 million for and Butler to keep healthy for at least 70 (yoga) as both make the East All-Star Team. A 4-headed PG Orgy, Barnes and Biedrins will keep Bubuy's Boys rolling all season.



Black Sabbath - Iron Man

The Big Mack Theory in full effect. AJB practically solved the Bynum-Gasol conundrum by drafting both big men.

And there's really no reason to expect either one to come up small as Purple Reign rages on.

There's been some talk of A.I. on the way out in Denver but we're sure that whatever happens, he's gonna go down gunning.What the team really lacks is another reliable option on the wing to back Hedo up.



Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child of Mine

The Premiere League equivalent of KVille Kamp, down to the Stooges and Devin Harris running the show. Sexy picks all around (...tsss).

Pretty good now, but would deliver more bang for the buck in a keeper setting. In Transformers terms, it's Rodimus Prime before the Matrix happened.

Could use a better pass-first pg to back up Dev and maybe some help on the low blocks. Otherwise, legit enough to be in the hunt all season long.


MTC Saints

Bon Jovi - Livin' On a Prayer

The Saints might have gone for martyrdom (blame Yahoo) with two key contributors out for extended periods.

Manu and Monta will definitely be missed. However, to count them out this early would be foolish as they do have a pretty well-rounded club led by BFF's KG and Chauncey. As long they get the kind of consistent production we're all used to from Yao, AK47, Lamar and Little Dunn, that might be enough to keep the Saints above water for the meantime. By midseason, we fully expect them to elevate their game and make one last mad dash for the playoffs.


Anki's Premiere Team

Metallica - Enter Sandman

We could be wrong, but we'll say it anyway: this team probably has the most number of guys who will likely outperform their ADP's. Strange but true: we expect Bosh and Martin to keep healthy all year, Nash to deliver top PG numbers, Redd to be Redd, Aldridge to blow up and Artest to have his best year on the floor and be on his best behavior off it. Funny, we haven't even gotten around to talking about Gomes or Outlaw.



Aerosmith - Amazing

Welcome back Chong!

The King's got more than enough help on the wing with Crash, KevMart and RJ. Much of the work needs to be done on the frontcourt where SammyD (Brand), DWest (health) and Yannick's son (playing time) all have issues. On top of that, they could also use another #2 pg. That said, as long as Bron's around, this crew's got a chance. A few small tweaks will go a long way.



Pantera - Cowboys from Hell

Four years in and we still don't know how bret does it---let Yahoo draft the club for him and consistently come out on the winning end.

This team is another good example. The Arenas pick aside, the Slickers have the right stuff. JRich, JSmoove and the Matrix form a veritable trinity of fantasy stalwarts. With Kangaroo Bogut, Sheedtastic, BMiller and Nene providing the inside muscle/hustle, Rip's got guys who can bring the pain from inside and out and they'll likely be doing so until the final buzzer sounds.



Heart - Barracuda

They don't give out preseason accolades for no real reason.

Peppered with pass-first pg's and three flamethrowers on the wing, the `Necks are a match-up nightmare as they can conveniently lock up 7 cats on a weekly basis. Beyond adding depth in the frontcourt, they got no issues. So there's no real reason either to not expect a playoff appearance.


The A Team

Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song

Without their franchise guy for the first time ever, the Katrinas will barnstorm anyway. They hired Superman, three tough scoring pg's, a blue collar greaseman, a couple of gunslinging forwards and a bull-strong wingman itching for a payback. We can call them legit or loaded but ultimately, they're poised to do something legendary...again.


Chicken Nuggets

Journey - Don't Stop Believing

The Manoxx weren't looking to get fried so they did their homework.

They surrounded CP3 with a horde of capable bigs, got him a top-notch backup and provided just enough wingmen to add versatility to their attack. If the Olympics were any indication, we expect a slam-bang year from Rudy and an out-of-the-shell season from Yi. They're probably just a couple of bankable scorers away from joining the upper echelon.

Edited by CousinBarry
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Right after the draft, I picked two teams which stood out from the rest: Chicken Nuggets and Roughnecks. Cali's team is a little banged-up now but once it gets healthy, it will really be scary.


Last night, I was again looking at the rosters and what jumped out at me was how strong Snitch Devil's team is. I agree with GoG, one or two more bigs and this team can win it all.


And doc, you hit it right on the money, my team needs another wing man (or pg/sg) for it to have any chance this year (not to be demoted to the D-League).


Thanks for the fantastic reviews!



Note: Beasley is available for a pg. Thanks.

Edited by agentjackbauer
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no thanks, i'm too shallow at the point guard spot, too...


my biggest mistake: drafting ronnie brewer and expecting ridnour will still be available the next round... dumb... that's the drawback of having too many non-MTC drafts (with all due respect to the other forums & invites) - i've been too comfortable playing with the draft playing as i planned... dumb...

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that's why my draft strategy whichever league I am in is get the BPA, got to give out some cred on all, if not some, of the managers that I face anywhere that they'd be smart enough not to let a good pick pass them by...


btw, a Harris-Marbury-Nelson pg corps most assuredly trumps a Felton-Ridnour-Duhon trio. I'm in for a long first week...

Edited by cheeselogger
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you know what hurts?


my top pick's injury was found to be a grade 2 sprain - and the timetable for his return would be two weeks, MINIMUM!!!


damn... now i have to do the add-drop kung-fu early...



and me too... i'd go for the felton-ridnour-duhon trio anytime! duhon will prove haters wrong, and we all know how much i heart ridnour






deron's badly injured, rose has been injured (minor) for about three times this preseason alone, anthony carter's only good until a legit game from demarcus nelson comes :lol:, jamal crawford has bad %'s and hasn't shown much in the preseason (though, at least im seeing a seattle version of himself resurging)... we're in an A/T league... how could i be optimistic :(

Edited by TripleDouble
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For what it is worth, I figure, even though I wont be in the playoff mix this season, I've had a good enough run in MTC fantasy leagues (especially in basketball) that perhaps it is time for me to move on to other endeavors.



Edit: If I am not mistaken, the two week period will only cost Deron two games at most so it is no biggie.

Edited by agentjackbauer
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all of my supposedly PG's are in hot water in their respective teams. if LB wasn't coaching the Bobcats, I'd be more than confident in having Felton rather than Harris. Ridnour has a good grasp of the starting gig in Milwaukee though he is surely known to be able to drop the ball somehow inevitably. got him kicked off the Sonics/Thunder and the Team USA training pool to refresh your memories. and for all the fanaticism I have for Blue Devils and their basketball alums, I still have a major doubt that Duhon would stick as the run n' gun, wheelin' and dealin' PG Mr. Pringles has in mind for his system...


these are all serious doubts and I ain't in any shape or form FPJ'ing. Devin and Jameer have longer leashes on their team as the starting PG's as their teams don't have much choice anyway. the Bobcats, Bucks and the Knicks, on the other hand, have Brown's pick DJ Augustin, explosive Bucks Charlie Bell & Ramon Sessions, and the spitfire Nate Robinson, respectively as more than able options as PG options...

Edited by cheeselogger
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Two games this week pala ang Jazz, not for the two weeks. Pero kutob ko maglalaro si Deron at least sa 2nd week.


Deron Williams


It still sounds like there's an outside chance Williams will shock the world and start on opening night. If you have flexibility and can set your roster up until game time each night, hold out as long as you can and see if we get more definitive news. But if you have to make a decision today or by the first game on Tuesday night, I'd probably play it safe and bench Williams. The Jazz only play two games this week and he's not really a good bet for either of them.

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deron's badly injured, rose has been injured (minor) for about three times this preseason alone, anthony carter's only good until a legit game from demarcus nelson comes :lol:, jamal crawford has bad %'s and hasn't shown much in the preseason (though, at least im seeing a seattle version of himself resurging)... we're in an A/T league... how could i be optimistic :(


I don't remember Jamal ever being in a Seattle, or anywhere in the Washington state, team. AFAIK, he played college ball in Michigan then got drafted by the Bulls and subsequently traded to the Knicks...

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