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Kerr and D'Antoni made it clear that they aren't really looking for Shaq to norm Shaq-like numbers.

Kerr even went so far as to say that that "he could just be one of the guys."

I don't really think they're gonna start him a lot---this will be more of a Kurt Thomas arrangement where they go big only when they have to match the other squad's frontcourt. so if you can get that production off the bench or in specific situations and Diaw somehow conjures his once All-Star in the making self in Marion's place...pass the spoon Stevie...lol


anyhow, this is a desperate move from a desperate team and desperate people don't always make the right moves, much less make sense.

part of me says that this just might pay off more than most people expect.

Edited by gift_of_game
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my only concern about that whole coming off the bench thing is will the Big Aristotle actually approve of it? imagine his "loyalty" shift once Miami went on "rebuilding" mode, Shaq wanted out eventhough the whole plan before everything went south in South Florida was to get him more touches to see how far he can still take the team. now, actually bringing him to the Western Conference to battle it out against the tall trees there makes me think he'd somehow go GP on D'Antoni once they actually see he's not going to be much of a difference on the defensive end. and to think the Glove and the Diesel are close friends from their LA Lakers stint...

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heard more or less the same from the grapevine.

but I'd give Big a little credit.

he reportedly went so far as to tell his new teammates (before the trade was formalized) that he's in it for no less than a ring.

I don't think he'd want to wear out his welcome---moreso now that he has a chance to compete, down the road from Kobe and the reloaded Lakers, no less.

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the weird thing about the Suns though too is that they have been loose with their draft picks too and last I read they have traded away the sure-fire lottery pick/s they got from the Hawks in past transactions...


but yeah, if Shaq really is 100% in it to win it then I have no doubts about him leaving his ego in his Miami mansion and just really going after his 5th ring to solidify his legacy (came from the Diesel himself). the thing that bugs me though is that I can't fathom someone with Shaq's pride would act like a good little soldier and accept a cameo role here and then against small teams especially if he's really into solidifying his legacy...

Edited by cheeselogger
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^for some reason, part of Sarver's save-a-lot principle is to avoid farming young talent.

I guess the idea really is to win the big one before 2010 and then blow it all up regardless of outcome and maybe, ahem, sell the franchise??


to his credit, for all the All-Star feuding that marred his career, Shaq's been good in the locker room.

at this point, I guess Nash and Stoudemire are just glad that Marion's gone.


I'm reminded of that classic Dumars quote: "You get a man at his best when he's got something to prove."

Edited by gift_of_game
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I fear that this experiment by the Suns just might work. In the short-term of course. Shaq getting left behind in the Suns fast-paced offense is much like the Showtime Lakers of the 80s with Kareem already much advanced in age. The Lakers still won championships. Just like Kareem, Shaq could be very valuable when the Suns have to play half-court offense. Plus you cant discount the fact that he is such a wide body that he automatically gives the Suns a defensive presence in the middle. That is if he is healthy. But the thing is, all Shaq needs to do is to be healthy for a few games (meaning the playoffs) and that could very well be enough. It would definitely pain me though to see the Suns beating the Lakers in the playoffs with Shaq playing a key role.



^I still think grandpa Diesel will slow the Suns down. especially for him to get his touches, the Suns would have to wait for his fat ass get down the court so he can be happy with his numbers...
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