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6th MTC Fantasy NBA


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just because I'm really bored, here comes another round of my analyses of teams...


Part 1



- with the first overall pick at his disposal, league newcomer jumpman23 has drafted KG5 and sure built one helluva team that announces his arrival to the main league. ably backed up by Boozer, JJ, Manu and Dre Miller, a great mix of across the board stat-producers that will assure this squad in the thick of things in each scoring category every week. the traditional frontline stats of rebounds, blocks and FG% are in the good hands of KG, Booze, Bynum and Battier to some extent. the sort of x-factors for this part of his team would be Krstic's comeback from injury and Warrick's new role in the revamped and overhauled Grizzlies team. the traditional guard/wing stats will be covered mainly by Joe Johnson, Manu, and Miller with some expectations of a breakout season from ex-Badger Devin Harris and some significant solid contributions from ex-Terrapin Steve Blake. a little bit more of a gamble than I'd prefer to do personally with his supporting/later round picks, this team is still by no stretch of the imagination a scary team especially if even half of the great projections from most of his players would materialize this season.


MTC Saints

- the second team of deserving gatecrashers in our little fantasy NBA league, this team also had an impressive start to the draft process (to quote commish stern during the wild chat-box during the draft). using his 2nd overall pick on Snitch Devil himself, this team has guaranteed itself of being in the thick of things in the score-related categories of our league. the undeniable most lethal offensive player in the league today, KB24 can and will do a lot of damage when given the free reins (as he already has now) or suddenly catches white-flame-type roll. with USA-team All-World 'Melo, the dude-that-dunked-over-Weiss, and ex-Wildcat Terry, it's hard not to expect this team to lock it the points, FTM, and FT% cats with the 3ptM not too far behind too. questionable big men in the now-Canadian Dalembert, ol' man Z & his Cavs teammate Gooden and Dice provide shaky inside presence for the team but if lady luck smile on them the whole year, will be valuable enough to provide the winning difference in the big-man stats. Bell and Patterson will provide the hustle stats and health issues will be the key for Wally World and Bobby Simmons so it is quite hard for me to expect much production from this two. a silver lining though for blankface is Simmons, last I heard, is being given the chance to win back the starting SF spot for the Bucks.


The A Team

- bro Ayasadai and LBJ. LBJ and bro Ayasadai. it seems this 2 has been inseparable for the past 3 editions of our league. not that you'd hear him complaining, bro Ayasadai has again stockpiled on versatile scorers and down-right ballers that another run as "Hurricane Katrina" is not too far-fetched. KD, Roy, Okur and Felton highlights this support group that can and will run any team down any given day of the week if given the chance. health issues though so far for 3 out of the top 5 players in this team is a small problem facing this team but the potential/given abilities and not too serious types of injuries for these players are enough to ease out all this worries for bro Ayasadai. rounding up this team are the former Maryland star Wilcox, all-around Frenchman Diaw, Gator alum Haslem, Turkish sharpshooter Turkoglu and the hardworking Spaniard pro Garbajosa are all more than enough support to the across the fantasy board brilliance of the King. the only stats I foresee this team not slugging it out consistently every week would be the blocks and 3ptM cats where Hedo will not be enough to carry this team and Lebron, Kevin, Mehmet and Raymund are not consistent enough for this team to be shooting the lines out of the ball from ~25 feet.

Edited by cheeselogger
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