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Wednight Bball 200/player

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if anyone is interested lang -


100 per entry

1 entry per player only

deadline for paying will be on 9:00pm(rfm clock) dec 14, 2005

draw will be on dec 14, 2005

no extensions

two winners (to be drawn by either me or switlass)


prize - waived regular game fees from jan 1, 2006 - june 30, 2006 (no exemptions no extensions no moving of dates or games)

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guys i will need to ask everyone who wants to play next week to add their names to the list muna. if you add your name to the list make sure you will be playing. i will strictly enforce the two strikes you're out rule. also PLEASE GET TO THE COURT BEFORE 9PM (RFM CLOCK). the group that plays before us allows us to use the court at 8:45pm.


1. poknat

2. angryblood

3. Ohnad

4. pizzapandesal

5. stonerockbato

6. kosakhy

7. porch_zero

8. chickvoi

9. fake_roxas

10. `onslaught

11. sikosci (pero i'll be late due to work)

12. tobleron222

13. tjert07

14. taken

15. ^Tim^ (will be comin' late din)

16. yong fu

17. wolf

18. fishken

19. choqo

20. antondagreat

21. teio

22. yong fu friend 1

23 yong fu friend 2

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if you are coming from shaw edsa head towards c5, turn right at ten-q convenioence store and keep going till you see a 7-11 the first intersection after 7-11 turn left you'll see the rfm gym from there.


are you joining us tonight? if yes pls cut and paste the list and add your name. thanks


ps. -please read rules posted on the first page

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guys i will need to ask everyone who wants to play next week to add their names to the list muna. if you add your name to the list make sure you will be playing. i will strictly enforce the two strikes you're out rule. also PLEASE GET TO THE COURT BEFORE 9PM (RFM CLOCK). the group that plays before us allows us to use the court at 8:45pm.


1. poknat

2. angryblood

3. Ohnad

4. pizzapandesal

5. stonerockbato

6. kosakhy

7. porch_zero

8. chickvoi

9. fake_roxas

10. `onslaught (para sure )

11. sikosci (pero i'll be late due to work)

12. tobleron222

13. tjert07

14. taken

15. ^Tim^ (will be comin' late din)

16. yong fu

17. wolf

18. fishken

19. choqo

20. antondagreat

21. teio


the group that plays before us allows us to use the court at 8:45pm. kitakitz mamaya!!!

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