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Wednight Bball 200/player

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wolf 200

supah bins 100

bins 300

payaso 100

kiss singer 100

panty raider 100

tgang soccer team (4) 400

ultimate warrior 100

business buddha 100

luigi free

zorro 100


previous balance (2960.25)

add 1600

plus dirk jersey payment 300

add tim jersey payment 600

less court fees 1650


2960.25 - 850


(2110.25)<- abono ko pa din


iki 100

ovaltinekid 100

procopio 100

adolf 100

john rivel 100

fishken 100

balatuba 350

vogharth 600

omarsarap 600

rx8 600

lusting 800 (break down - 600 jersey, 100 reg fee, 100 game fee)


total collectibles 3550

Edited by poknat
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raffle tickets for sale

100 per ticket

1 ticket per player only

deadline for paying will be on 9:00pm(rfm clock) dec 14, 2005

raffle draw will be on dec 14, 2005

no extensions

two winners (to be drawn by either me or switlass)


prize - waived regular game fees from jan 1, 2006 - june 30, 2006 (no exemptions no extensions no moving of dates or games)

Edited by poknat
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reposting schedule for the benefit of everyone...


Nov 19

Frenzy - Knights (7pm)

PRC - WN C (8pm)


Nov 25

AA/DMC - Pirates (9pm)

WN B - Newbies (10pm)


Nov 26

Exsems - Frenzy (8pm)


Dec 2

Pirates - WN C (9pm)


Dec 3

AA/DMC - Knights (7 pm)

WN B - Frenzy (8pm)


Dec 9

Newbies - WN C (10 pm)


Dec 10

PRC - Frenzy (8pm)


Dec 16

AA/DMC - Exsems (9 pm)

WN B - COwboys (10 pm)


Dec 17

Knights - WN C (7 pm)

Newbies - Frenzy (8pm)


Jan 7


Frenzy - WN C


Jan 13

Pirates - WN B



Jan 20

WN B - Knights

Newbies - AA/DMC


Jan 21

Exsems - WN B

Cowboys - Frenzy


Jan 27

Frenzy - Knights


Jan 28

WN C - Knights

Frenzy - Newbies


Feb 3

Newbies - AA/DMC


Feb 4

Pirates - WN B



Feb 10

Newbies - WN B

Frenzy vs AA/DMC


Feb 11

AA/DMC - Pirates


Feb 17

Cowboys - WN C


Feb 18

Newbies - WN B

Pirates - Frenzy


Feb 24

Exsems - WN C


March 3



March 4 (step ladder phase)


Number 4 (north) - Number 3 (north)

Number 3 (south) - Number 4 (south)


March 10


Winner 3/4 (S) - Number 2 (S)

Winner 3/4 (N) - Number 2 (N)


March 11 (Semis - Game 1)


March 17 (Semis - Game 2)


March 18 (Semis - Game 3) <<<--- if necessary


March 24

All-Star Friday (2-ball, 3-point shoot out [if we can come up with balls ])

Game 1 - Finals


March 25

All-Star Saturday (north vs south)

Awarding ceremonies - regular season (MVP, mythical team A & B, defensive player of the year, most improved player)

Game 2 - Finals


March 31 if necessary

Game 3 - Finals



three point shoot out contestant list


1. angryblood

2. stonerockbato

3. chickvoi

4. poknat

5. shadowfang

6. ovaltinekid

7. O.h.n.a.d

8. Fake_Roxas

9. bino16

10. pizzapandesal

11. wolf

12. tobleron222




1. kosakhy

2. stonerockbato

3. chickvoi

4. porch zero

5. shadowfang

6. ovaltinekid

7. O.h.n.a.d

8. Fake_Roxas

9. bino16

10. sleeplesss

11. tobleron222

12. tjert07

13. raistlin



Edited by poknat
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