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Mac Users Of Mtc (apple: Go Ahead, Take A Bite!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I suggest that you get Coconut Battery (an app that lets you check the condition of an Apple laptop's battery) here.


It does give you other information that not only tells you the exact model you're looking at, but its age, and the condition of its battery (which is indicative of how much care the previous owner had given it)




thanks saer. finally took a big leap and bought an mbp....

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sigh. It was only a matter of time...


"...vulnerability, identified as CVE-2012-0507, allows the malware to install itself from a malicious website the user visits, without needing the user to enter an administrator's password."


Update to Lion. Problem solved. This is called the Flashback Trojan. It exploits a vulnerability in Java. LION DOES NOT COME WITH JAVA by default.

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guys question lang.


i have an mbp and 2 1TB external drives and 1 2TB desktop hardrive.


i plan to use the 1 1TB drive as my external drive while the other 1TB drive as a clone of the first 1TB. then my 2TB desktop drive is my final backup.


how do i this automatically?


currently im literally copyiing the first 1TB to the second on a regular basis, then every two weeks back all to my desktop drive. is there any way to speed this thing up? so i can have a semblance of a life?


another question -


also, i saw a cloud capable desktop hard drive and i was planning to use this so that wherever i am i can back up data. because 80% of the time, i am constantly moving, and my house has internet 24x7. im planning to use this instead of my existing 2TB. any suggestions?

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Unfortunately, not the ideal solution for everyone...


Perhaps this might be a better alternative:


Someone wrote an Applescript that that detected and removed the Flashback Trojan. You can get it HERE.


Of course, if you find it queasy and odd to have to download and execute some random program on the internet to remove malware that was installed after downloading and executing some random program on the internet. If you so desire, you can build this program from source yourself. Just copy the source code below, run AppleScript Editor, paste into a new window, and click the "run" button.


-- See if anything fishy is going on.


set trojan to do shell script "/bin/launchctl export | /usr/bin/sed -n 's/DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=\"\\(.*\\)\";.*/\\1/p'"


-- If something doesn't look right, investigate further.


if trojan is not equal to "" then


-- Turn off the environment variable.


do shell script "/bin/launchctl unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES"


-- Now look for startup files.


tell application "System Events"




-- Get the LaunchAgents path however AppleScript will let me


set libraryPath to (path to library folder from user domain) as string


set launchagents to libraryPath & "LaunchAgents"




-- Get all the launch agents.


set plists to name of every disk item of alias launchagents




-- Check each and every one.


repeat with launchagent in plists




-- Get the path to the plist file and its name.


set plist to POSIX path of file launchagent of alias launchagents


set plistname to name of file plist




-- Get the program.


tell property list file plist


tell contents


set programArguments to value of property list item "ProgramArguments"


end tell


end tell




-- Get the executable.


set program to item 1 of programArguments


set programName to name of file program




-- If the executable starts with a "." to make it hidden,


-- delete it by default.


if programName starts with "." then


set dialogResult to display dialog ¬


"Delete file '" & plistname & "' that runs program '" & program & ¬


"'?" buttons {"Delete", "Keep"} default button "Delete"




set dialogResult to display dialog ¬


"Delete file '" & plistname & "' that runs program '" & program & ¬


"'?" buttons {"Delete", "Keep"} default button "Keep"


end if




-- I would like to just move this to the trash, but I can't make that work.


if button returned of dialogResult is "Delete" then


do shell script "/bin/launchctl unload -w " & plist


do shell script "/bin/rm " & plist


do shell script "/bin/rm " & program


end if


end repeat


end tell








-- Check applications.


set checkApps to display dialog ¬


"Check applications? (this will take a few minutes)" buttons {"Skip", "Check"} default button "Check"




-- If the user wants to check applications, summarize at the end.


set appsChecked to false


set infectionFound to false




if button returned of checkApps is "Check" then




-- Display a summary when we are done.


set appsChecked to true




-- Check for infections.


set infected to do shell script "/usr/bin/find /Applications -type d -name *.app -exec sh -c '/usr/bin/defaults read \"{}/Contents/Info\" LSEnvironment 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/grep -q DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES -' \\; -print"




-- Split the results by lines.


set infectedApps to paragraphs of infected




-- Tell the user what we found.


repeat with infectedApp in infectedApps


display dialog infectedApp & " may be infected"


set infectionFound to true


end repeat


end if




-- Check core services.


set checkCS to display dialog ¬


"Check core services? (this will take a few minutes)" buttons {"Skip", "Check"} default button "Check"




if button returned of checkCS is "Check" then




-- Display a summary when we are done.


set appsChecked to true




-- Check for infections.


set infected to do shell script "/usr/bin/find /System/Library/CoreServices -type d -name *.app -exec sh -c '/usr/bin/defaults read \"{}/Contents/Info\" LSEnvironment 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/grep -q DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES -' \\; -print"




-- Split the results by lines.


set infectedApps to paragraphs of infected




repeat with infectedApp in infectedApps


display dialog infectedApp & " may be infected"


set infectionFound to true


end repeat


end if




-- Report a summary.


if appsChecked then


if infectionFound then


display dialog "Infected applications found. Please restore these applications from backup or, even better, visit an Apple Store for help"




display dialog "No infected applications found"


end if


end if




-- Finally get rid of the trojan.




-- I may need admin for this.


set adminRequired to false




-- Check for the presence of environment.plist.


-- This is the only way I can get Applescript to test the existence of a file.




set envPlistPath to do shell script "/usr/bin/find ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist -print 2> /dev/null"


if envPlistPath is not equal to "" then


display dialog "Removing " & envPlistPath


do shell script "/bin/rm " & envPlistPath


do shell script "/bin/rm " & trojan


end if


end try




-- Check for the presence of launchd.donf.


-- This is the only way I can get Applescript to test the existence of a file.




set launchdConf to do shell script "/usr/bin/find /etc/launchd.conf -exec /usr/bin/grep -q DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES {} \\; -print 2> /dev/null"


if launchdConf is not equal to "" then


display dialog "Removing /etc/launchd.conf"


set adminRequired to true


do shell script "/bin/rm /etc/launchd.conf" with administrator privileges


do shell script "/bin/rm " & trojan with administrator privileges


end if


end try




-- Wrap things up.


if appsChecked and infectionFound then


display dialog "Some malware removed. Please do not use any infected applications until you restore them from backup." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"




display dialog "Malware removed." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"


end if




if adminRequired then


display dialog "To complete the process, reboot your machine." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"




display dialog "To complete the process, just log out and log back in." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"


end if






-- Move along.


display dialog ¬


"You don't seem to have any malware problems" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"


end if


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or just do the following:


Manual Removal Instructions


1. Run the following command in Terminal:


defaults read /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info LSEnvironment


2. Take note of the value, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES

3. Proceed to step 8 if you got the following error message:


"The domain/default pair of (/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info, LSEnvironment) does not exist"


4. Otherwise, run the following command in Terminal:


grep -a -o '__ldpath__[ -~]*' %path_obtained_in_step2%


5. Take note of the value after "__ldpath__"

6. Run the following commands in Terminal (first make sure there is only one entry, from step 2):


sudo defaults delete /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info LSEnvironment


sudo chmod 644 /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info.plist


7. Delete the files obtained in steps 2 and 5

8. Run the following command in Terminal:


defaults read ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES


9. Take note of the result. Your system is already clean of this variant if you got an error message similar to the following:


"The domain/default pair of (/Users/joe/.MacOSX/environment, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES) does not exist"


10. Otherwise, run the following command in Terminal:


grep -a -o '__ldpath__[ -~]*' %path_obtained_in_step9%


11. Take note of the value after "__ldpath__"

12. Run the following commands in Terminal:


defaults delete ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES


launchctl unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES


13. Finally, delete the files obtained in steps 9 and 11.


Then just run the apple software update to get the latest patched JAVA.


But then, this is actually just the beginning: Malware writers are now targeting mac and OSX-based computers now. Which means it's the start of the end of an era where mac users like us can boast that we are virus-free. Sigh.

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any fix to the battery issues? i have a mbp running on os lion 10.7.2 ; 2.8ghz i7.

i only get about 3 hours battery time despite full charge. i've only had this less than a week and mainly just for

internet as i have an iMac for office stuff.

os is not an uprade from snow leopard btw.


If you're only using it for internet, are you using the shared video or the dedicated video card? You don't need the latter for surfing and it does consume significantly more battery.

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  • 4 months later...

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