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Mac Users Of Mtc (apple: Go Ahead, Take A Bite!)

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Mga sirs! Meron bang way para magamit ang mac remote sa powerpoint. gumagana sa keynote pero di sa PP eh. thanks.


You need a program called iRedlite.


Get it here: http://www.filewell.com/iRedLite/


New Browser for OSX

I just installed the Google chrome browser for OSX. The one that Eric Schidt, Google's Chair did not want to build at first. Seems like it is faster than Safari, which is already faster than Firefox which has become so bloated and slow.

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what can you say about chrome for osx?


I like it. It has the speed of Safari and sometimes feels even faster but also the potential of Firefox.


I like the way it defaults to staying in the tab you are on even if you create a new tab.


New tabs also bring up a feature similar to Safari's where your browsing history is displayed as miniature web pages instead of just words like a bookmark list.


My wife and daughter likes the themes it came with which says a lot since the themes of Firefox are not as pretty.


When you start typing a URL in the address bar, Firefox will drop down a list of possible web sites that you might be trying to access based on your history. You will then have to scroll down and choose the right page even if it was the very next one. In Chrome, you just hit enter when the pop up display the page you want on the first line.


chrome also loads very fast. faster than safari which is already way faster than firefox.

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Hello again. When I use my PPT, GIF files (moving pics) perfectly work. Pero pag nasa powerpoint for mac, di na gumagalaw. Is there any way to make it work? are there any alternatives?



This issue is fixed by downloading and installing the Office 2008 Service Pack 2 or a later update for Office 2008. Get it here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=92013.


Now beware! If you are using a pirated version of Microsoft Office, the service pack will know and invalidate your serial.


If you don't want to go this route, I suggest you convert your GIFs to Apple's Quicktime MOV format to sure that the animation will work.


According to the Microsoft Office for Mac support site (http://www.microsoft.com/mac/itpros/default.mspx?clr=99-15-0&srcid=a6423962-3417-4974-b489-479794e52dcd1033&ep=9&target=043cd4a2-cf51-4a38-a68e-18eba9e631431033), you can insert and save animated GIF (.gif) file formats in PowerPoint 2008, but you cannot play them in slide show mode. To correct this issue, on the Insert menu, point to Movie, and then select the file that you want.


Essentially, this means that you have to re-link the GIFs when you migrate the presentation to OSX.

Edited by boomouse
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I like it. It has the speed of Safari and sometimes feels even faster but also the potential of Firefox.


I like the way it defaults to staying in the tab you are on even if you create a new tab.


New tabs also bring up a feature similar to Safari's where your browsing history is displayed as miniature web pages instead of just words like a bookmark list.


My wife and daughter likes the themes it came with which says a lot since the themes of Firefox are not as pretty.


When you start typing a URL in the address bar, Firefox will drop down a list of possible web sites that you might be trying to access based on your history. You will then have to scroll down and choose the right page even if it was the very next one. In Chrome, you just hit enter when the pop up display the page you want on the first line.


chrome also loads very fast. faster than safari which is already way faster than firefox.



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Boom i've received a christmas present from my boss and its a belkin cooling stand. I was just wondering if i can plug it to my ipod charger so i dont have to connect it directly to my laptop,coz i always leave my mbp open


That would work. The real question should be: for how long? Check how much power the cooler draws and compare that to how much power the belkin puts out. You are looking for a figure expressed in milliwatts (mW). If draw is half or less than what is supplied, you are ok to plug and forget. The standard is 70% utilization but some power supplies get too warm for my taste at that rate. You can even use any cheap power adaptor as current quality is not an issue when you are only powering a fan, just make sure it produces enough power to avoid overheating. I think a 1 amp power brick would do.

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Is there any way of synching my iphone to another itunes library without losing its contents?


The solution to your question can either be a convoluted procedure which would apply to iPhone and iPod or a simple software solution for iPhone only. I will give you the latter since you specifically mentioned the iPhone.


One frequently lamented iPhone omission is the inability to synchronize media with two separate computers, containing two separate iTunes libraries. If you already have iTunes media (music, video) synchronized from one computer, hooking the iPhone up to another computer will only give you the option to overwrite all existing media with what's stored on that system.


You need a small iPhone program called SwapTunes which, when run, simply creates and switches to a new iTunes library on the iPhone itself. This new library can be synchronized with a different system. You can then run SwapTunes again to switch back and forth between the two libraries. The process works like this:


1. Sync your iPhone with the first system, acquiring the appropriate media

2. Disconnect your iPhone

3. Run the SwapTunes application (from your iPhone)

4. Go check the iPod application on the iPhone, and notice that it displays "No Content"

5. Connect your iPhone to the second system and sync it, acquiring the second set of media.

6. Run the SwapTunes application again when you want to switch back to the media acquired from the first system.


SwapTunes can be easily downloaded and installed through Installer.app (under Utilities).

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Thanks again sir boomhouse. All you replies were of help to me. More power!


You are welcome. Merry Christmas.




On another note, those of you still thinking of making a hackintosh, unless you know your way around 'Darwin' and 'Cocoa' (in which case you would probabaly have a real Mac already), better think again.


Psystar, the clone maker just closed down. They lost their case against Apple. Their website is now down. Psystar was also selling a small utility called Rebel EFI online which allowed Mac OS to be installed on most any Wintel machine. I suspect that Apple will be moving very fast to change the way OS X hooks to the hardware to make it unworkable.


Merry Christmas.

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Is there a free video converter for mac?


There are a lot. Just Google for 'free osx video converter'.


But I also like Handbrake. It is here: http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/12987


My converter of choice of course is VisualHub but that is not free and unfortunately, not being supported anymore. You probably can still find it though if you know how to use bit torrent. More details here: http://www.techspansion.com/. It seems like you can still get it though. Visit the site.

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