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1. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - This is considered to be the Nazi bible. Hitler wrote this while he was incarcerated and this was supposedly given to every newly wed German couple as a wedding gift. I'm not a fan of Nazism (hehe) but I'm very interested in learning about the German mindset during WW2


2. Bhagavad Gita - Hands down one of my ultimate favorite books for spiritual nourishment. Graham Schweig has one of the best translations of this Indian script.


3. The Symposium by Plato - Philosophers tackle love and all its forms. What more can you ask for? :)

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The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars. Aside from dystopian reads, these are my 2012 favorites. :-)



Big Thumbs up for the Book Thief - one of my recent favourites.



But easily my latest favourite is: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.


Written by a French novelist and philosophy professor it was published in France in 2006 but has been translated into English.

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Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman


I don't want to describe the book because my words aren't enough to let you know how you would feel after reading a story or two from the book.


wonderful read. because it is a collection of stories, you can pretty much start with any chapter and meditate on time and the worlds that would result as a consequence of its permutations. the stories can be heartbreaking or heartwarming. i've lent out my copy several times over the years and it has come back to me with (welcome) marginalia from entranced readers.

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