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Would You Go After Someone Who is Taken?

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Iniiwasan pero d kinaya haha...marupok e😥minahal panga😔minsn tlga mapg biro Ang stwasyun haha ..talo tlga Lage ung mga kagaya kung minsn lng mag mahal pero lintik nmn Ang Tama nkaka buang😜😁

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If they are not married, then they are not taken. That said, stealing the affections of a friend’s partner or someone to whom they are engaged is not very friendly or honorable in most cases. There is an old saying that all is fair in love and war, but if it feels wrong, don’t do it. Trust your gut feeling. Others will never know your life as you do, so how you really feel about it and whether it is worth it and ok to do it has to be given the greatest weight in your judgement. One person can not own another, so sharing your feelings with an unmarried person leaves the ball in their court. At least, you will know their mind and heart and have no regrets about not exploring what was possible.

No. If someone is already in a relationship, you’ll only hurt yourself and others by getting involved with them.

It can feel very tempting to chase a partner who is “taken”. Knowing that others desire them can make them seem all the more desirable to you. Trying to date a married or partnered person can also give you the thrill of the hunt. They are harder to seduce and less likely to give in on your first attempt. This can be very exciting and rewarding. However, it’s always a bad idea.

If someone is “taken”, they’ve already given their heart away. They might be willing to play house or have sex with you, but they’ll go back to their partner in the end. They’ve built a life with their partner and that will be their priority no matter how hot the sex is with you. You also won’t ever be the primary focus. Instead, their partner (and kids) will always come first. In the beginning, second place might feel okay, but in time it will start to hurt. You’ll feel frustrated and resentful because your needs always come last in the relationship. Most cheaters take their lovers for granted. They’ll drop you as soon you’ve satisfied their needs.

Lots of people believe they can win a “taken” person away from their boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. In most cases, this isn’t true. They might fool around with you for a while but it usually doesn’t last. Many partners eventually admit to the cheating and try to work things out. But let’s say you succeed. They break up with their partner or get the divorce so they can be with you. It may feel like a dream come true, but it will turn out to be a nightmare. If they’re willing to cheat with you, they’ll be willing to cheat on you. You won’t magically transform a cheater into a faithful partner no matter how hard you try. Eventually, they’ll leave you and move on with someone else. Sadly, no amount of love can change someone else. They have to want to make the changes for themselves, with or without you. Many “homewreckers” end up having their own homes and lives destroyed. It’s an endless cycle of deceit and betrayal.

Encouraging a committed person to break up their relationship can also put you in danger.

Most people dislike “homewreckers” - If your friends or relatives find out what you’re doing, it could cost your relationship with them. People who learn about this will likely lose a lot of trust and respect for you. This can be a real problem if your employer finds out. Some wronged spouses or partners call the “other woman/man’s” place of business and report it to their boss. Even if your job is secure, think about how your friends and family will feel. It’s not worth losing their respect.

Some victims of cheating become aggressive - Some exes will get violent. They might decide to confront you in person, leading to some serious injuries. It’s not uncommon for angry exes to break “the other woman/man’s” property or cause damage. In some cases, hurt exes may target vulnerable people close to you, such as your children. Victims of cheating are often very hurt and angry, so they aren’t usually thinking clearly. They may insult your children or make threats against you. Although it’s rare, some people who’ve been cheated on decide to maim or kill the person their spouse cheated with. You don’t want to have to watch your back for a relationship that probably won’t last anyway.

Cheaters aren’t trustworthy - There have been cases where cheaters have killed their partners in order to cover up affairs. Most of the time, the actions aren’t that drastic. However, they can leave you feeling devastated. If someone isn’t faithful, they probably don’t have a strong moral compass. If they can cheat, why not abuse or steal? You don’t want to start a romance with the sort of person who can’t be trusted.

You could lose your self-respect - Doing something you know is wrong makes you feel bad about yourself. The guilt and shame you feel because of your actions can really damage your self-esteem. Always try to do what you know is right, even when it isn’t easy. You don’t want to end up struggling with remorse and pain. Even if the person is really attractive or interesting, they aren’t worth losing your self-respect.

If you like someone who is already in a relationship, it’s best to move on. You deserve someone who is fully available to you now. However, there are times when it really feels like love. In that case, tell the “taken” person how you feel but don’t start an affair with them. Make it clear that you’re willing to wait but won’t cheat with them. Then give them some space to make up their mind. Only consider dating after they’ve made a clean break from their old partner. You don’t want to be in a rebound relationship as these rarely last. You also want to be sure they ended the old relationship because it wasn’t right for them, not only because they’re hot for you. Consider professional help as you try to establish boundaries for your new relationship. This can help you both avoid some pitfalls as you embark on a new life together.

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