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Office Success And Survival Tips

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Most of us are employed in companies. Whether in top management or in the bottom rungs of the corporate ladder we all have the same basic needs.


1. We want to succeed


e.g. Get a higher salary, better position, more experience, more benefits ...



2. We also want to be able to survive


There are always problems that we have to deal with. There are events that we can't control but have to live with (e.g. government policies, new company policies, price increases) and people that stand in our way or try to pull us down.


I hope this thread would be a place for people to ask questions or put in and discuss specific tips and techniques they know or have used to help them succeed and / or survive certain situations.

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I have been working for 6 years now but never got promoted. I know I am a good employee but my superiors do not appreciate my efforts. I managed to climb the ladder by moving to other companies. This year, I do not expect a promotion because a co-worker which is much senior than me is next in-line to be promoted. Is this normal?

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I have been working for 6 years now but never got promoted. I know I am a good employee but my superiors do not appreciate my efforts. I managed to climb the ladder by moving to other companies. This year, I do not expect a promotion because a co-worker which is much senior than me is next in-line to be promoted. Is this normal?


promotion should not be based on years of service but on performance.. but hey.. thats just me.. i had the same dilemma a year ago bummer ..


all i can say is .. swertihan lang yan... you'll get your chance (hopefully) :D




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getting upstairs has its trade offs....less friends in R&F, more politics,more scrutiny, more criticism, rumors...etc... :D....


to get promoted? work..work..but back it up with accomplishments that are aligned to the mission and vision of the company as well as the unit are in or handling... :D

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Guest event_horizon
when is the best time to ask for a salary increase? taking into consideration that there is an annual increase. what are the best ways on how to ask for the increase


just to share some insights.. this depends on teh the company principles on rewarding employees... you can work your butt off and not get rewarded if the company does not recognize that it is an important part of the business.


generally, companies have good rewards/recognition practices.. which it almost always based on performance rather than years of service..


the best way to ask for an increase is agree with your manager on the direction (this should be set from way above you but a manager discssion is necessary to foucs on your specific business area). then set stretched targets and agree with your manager that if you achieve them, it is enough to merit you an increase. then make sure you deliver the results and exceed the expectations if you can. also, don't forget about the trumpetting part esp to higher management.


now, just want to make it clear that this will not guarrantee you an increase.. i said it is one of the best ways to ask for it.. not to get it..

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Guest event_horizon
I have been working for 6 years now but never got promoted. I know I am a good employee but my superiors do not appreciate my efforts. I managed to climb the ladder by moving to other companies. This year, I do not expect a promotion because a co-worker which is much senior than me is next in-line to be promoted. Is this normal?


based on experience, this is dictated by the culture of the company.. there are companies who promote based on performance.. some on seniority... but of course, it all depends on the politics involved..


i prefer not to get promoted to be honest just as long as i get yearly increases.. once you get promoted, the amount of s**t you deal with increases tremendously..

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