MTC Friends, In one of my few post, Ive mentioned that we, boys & girls, perform differently with different partner's. That's why in Western countries, One Night Stand was somehow a"gauge" for having or committing a relationship. You know, you may share a lot of things, but, how about in bed? Most often, we perform differently becoz of Body Chemistry, Aura's, Bio-Rythm, and Emotional Moods... hence, I think why don't we see & post our astrological sign here...and see....( Who know's ) we may find our True Astrological Partner here... So to start with.....I'm Pisces....a water sign, I am said to be compatible to Scorpio & Cancer....we are said to be the Hot!!!!...Scorpion 's are said to be the Hottest!!! ....whats urs???