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  1. Got a Nintendo DS with it. Best first purchase.
  2. The first Guardians of the Galaxy film's soundtrack was the last movie soundtrack that I listened to from start to finish.
  3. Last song that made me cry was a song from Colbie Caillat's first album, but it was way back during my college days so I don't remember which one exactly it was.
  4. Used to watch a lot of all three music channels, but Channel V was the one that I preferred due to how varied their songs were.
  5. Every generation of music has been this way. Just a matter of perspective and wading through the trash heap.
  6. Dead game in terms of updates, yeah. Pero IIRC, this is still something that you can play in its final state?
  7. Totally understandable. Although that's also what my partner said during the earlier days of our collection, when she was still trying to understand how on earth a card game with less than 30 cards can run for 600 (that was Love Letter, which was way cheaper back then). Ooh, as in things like Dominion or Slay the Spire? Or more of TCGs with deck construction like Yu-Gi-Oh! or Magic: the Gathering?
  8. Armorbit


    I kinda miss Konami's Parodius games.
  9. Yeah, and that's what I find it weird about it. Imagine spending a lot of money IRL on employees and an improved distillery, but only being ever able to produce one barrel at a time. Despite that criticism, I still really like it, though. The distillation process is a fun way to implement push your luck, and it's pretty easy to teach too. Are you delving into having your own collection na rin?
  10. Loved seeing Bemani games in the arcades back then.
  11. Oh wow, that's a pretty good list. Love Distilled, though I find it weird na, over the course of the game, despite having all those upgrades to your distillery and even hiring a bunch of specialists, you never get to distill more than once per turn.
  12. Oooh, a fellow enthusiast. You rank games? If so, what's your number one of all time as of now and do you have it in your collection? :))
  13. Quistis Trepe, to the point na it makes me wonder why there are very few theras wearing glasses.
  14. Armorbit

    Capcom Games

    Capcom is still pretty good these days in terms of game design, but those microtransactions and outright neglect of older franchises stymie the love that I used to have for them.
  15. PC parin, highly customizable. Plus, emulation of any console is an eventuality, and that's only one option if publishers are stubborn to not provide ports.
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