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Status Updates posted by Botajun

  1. Song played in my dream I am being chased by Ther. Ladies and OH Hye Soo and Asian Actresses in giantess mode. 



  4.   I just want to move on for now and forget what happened the other day. Let us not add fuel on the fire and let it die. Ayoko masira yung reputation ko sa lahat. Isipin nalang ko ano makakabuti upang di maulit yung nangyari.

  5. Kenny Petrovic.

  6. Multiplaying of GTA 5. 

  7. The Best Gang Wars.

  8. Red Herring was also a good game and old school gta. 

  9. If anyone will ask the details about the theras I will not answer. When it comes to those things I am ultimately selfish. I mean respeto lang sana.

  10. Let this be a good morning to everyone. 

  11. For a thera who I do not know then I set an appointment please lang ayoko ng pabebe effect even in message, viber or face to face. I am getting irritated with that lalo na kung di ko kayo kilala.

  12. Pwedeng pwede na theme song.

  13. When someone screw then I badly want a bloody revenge.

  14. Relaxing song is what is best for now.

  15. Perfect song while doing some work outs. 


  16. Old School Fight. 

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