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Status Updates posted by Botajun

  1. Pagod sa work. 

  2. I will just play Basketball later.

  3. Music from Retro Game: This music played in my dreams. 

    In the dreams: I was alone in the strange mansion with ominous weather then it manipulates the gravity then vampires show up and it is game of death. The other one is the war of Beasts far distance. 

  4. Theme song for theras.

  5. Listening to music while at work break time kasi.

  6. RIP Akira Toriyama. 

  7. Creator of my early childhood fave hero which sometimes I throw tantrums when missing an episode of Dragon Ball. You are an OJ and my inspiration. Akira Toriyama.


  8. The best way to end the week.

  9. I might give some knuckle sandwiches.

  10. Tapusin! 

  11. I don't hate foreigners they should just learn to know their place when I am in their presence.

  12. No more Dacheffen vids finally. 

  13. Mood After appointments.

  14. Theme song when appointments of gms and theras gone wrong. Or quarrels and rants in mtc at times. Bad frs lurk around.  Upset Theras and upset gms in rage mode. 

  15. Lamest boss fight.

  16. Retro Boss One of the toughest: Spidey Vs Giant Mysterio.

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