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Status Updates posted by Botajun

  1. Ang lakes ng tama.

  2. Rest from the type of bonds for now. 

  3. It is hell hard to attain perfection but one must keep trying. 

  4. Sorry this not a bot..Hahahahahahahaha!

  5. I rather avoid primitive arguments.


  7. Just in Peace.....


  9. Ouch! Aray Sir! Aray sir!

  10. For the theras I have encountered I never experienced any budol in any Spa establishment. Maayos naman kasi usapan namin. In fact I should be thankful even there are times of arguments pero naayos naman. Sometimes less comment is much better. 

  11. The only reason why I set appointments with the Spa or a Thera because I want to unwind from time to time are at times someone to talk with when times get a bit tough. Yeah, I must admit there are time I get to be moody when conversing but I regret it but I will never do is curse them. I see through it meeting them face to face will end the appointment right with no animosity. 

  12. 2 types of bastards: A Jerk and White knight Wannabe.

  13. No time for primitive talks.

  14. Reklamo ng reklamo sa mga filter, filter lang yan eh paano kung kapwa lalaki yung nagpakita Sa appointment  yun ang budol.

  15. There are other things to do rather than arguing with people with primitive minds. 

  16. Ang budol; kung kunyari nagpapanggap babae sa message tapos sa personal lalaki pala tapos macho pa. 

  17. I am happy already for appointments I have set with the theras and thankful already for not having badvibes among them. However there are times I need to set my priorities right and facing my demons. 

  18. Berkley, Daje, Freedom, Belle Ame, TV, Sawadeeka, Mira Comm and some Spa Japan are all good terms with. Nirespeto ko naman kasi yung mga Thera. 

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