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    To Explore Anywhere and Any Place. Later on turned into banquet.

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  1. Just step into the dark, it's waiting
    Take your vow, it's time
    Time for you to meet your maker
    Playing God tonight
    You're insane
    Have you gone too far?
    Who's to blame
    For what you are?
    If you believe yours is the only way
    Then you're the fool who lives to die
    Well you deserve the Hell, you're gonna pay
    On the other side
    Once you reach the other side
    Once you reach the other side
    The trigger warm, anticipating
    The ritual's begun
    You think that Heaven's gates are waiting
    But only hell will come
    You're insane
    Have you gone too far?
    Who's to blame
    For what you are?
    If you believe yours is the only way
    Then you're the fool who lives to die
    Well you deserve the hell, you're gonna pay
    On the other side
    On the other side
    Once you reach the other side
    Fade to black, you'll see in time
    You will only be denied
    Fools will only be denied
    There will be no paradise
    Fools will only be denied
    There will be no paradise
    If you believe yours is the only way
    Then you're the fool who lives to die
    Well you deserve the hell, you're gonna pay
    On the other side
    On the other side
    Once you reach the other side
    Once you reach the other side
    There will be no paradise
    Once you reach the other side
    There will be no paradise
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