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Posts posted by legend_ako

  1. i suggest when ordering beer that unopend bottles be served.

    para sure lang na walang halo ang beer.


    prevention is better than cure.....

    was a victim once at a popular bar..


    totally wasted after the second sanmig light.. had to get air and lots of water...

    buti i had friends there to take me home...


    damn. never had experienced something like that. had a bad headache for next three days.

  2. unfortunately, banks share information on credit history, they do this for credit investigation. heres the thing, since you have a business, i believe you are dealing with a bank, for all your deposits and cheques issuance. then start with them, PR the manager and get him/her to provide you a pre approved card, or else get someone to be your guarantor. after 6 months with good standing, start applying to another credit card company. once you get the new one, cancel the one with the guarantor so that you can now have a new credit standing. imho.


    i have been a client of metrobank over 15 years. never bounced a check, never stopped a check payment. i had a comercial checking account. i had this problem with BPI as narrated but was able to settle it with no problems. i paid the full amount in 2002 after they gave in to my demand. (they didnt want to reverse some charges and they started compounding interests which they hoped that i will give in and pay them) but i didnt and i got my way (i paid in full all my atual purchases). anyways, i applied for a metrobank visa recently and was rejected after i think was a credit investigation and they rejected my application. i asked them for a reason and they said if was confidential.


    i closed my account right after the words left the managers mouth.

  3. Yeah, but the poster actually wants to know why he's still on the black list even though he had already been given a clearance certificate.


    But regarding the root of the problem (not paying the 60K despite the interest), it really was the credit holder's responsibility to pay for the amount due even though no bank statement was given.


    i agree and admit to my delay paying the statement. but my question is why am i still being denied? i had already paid bpi.

  4. hey guys, nid your advise


    i had some trouble last 2003 with bpi card. i missed a payment and they charged me interest etc. but i did not recvd the bill statement. i askd them to remove the extra charges and they refused. so i didnt pay the bill. then the interests started piling up and belive me the amount ballooned to over 300k from my actual purchases of 60k.


    bpi filed a case against me in court. then finally they agreed to remove all other charges if i agree to pay the actual chages.

    i paid my actual purchase of 60k without any other charges. bpi dropped the case and issued me a certificate of clearance that i had fully settled my balance. case dropped.


    now my question is this. i dont know why i cannot apply with other credit cards. visa or master. i have my own business and is financially capable.. but i dont know why banks are rejecting my application.


    can anybody help me?

  5. once, when i was 16 and i din't know any better - i cried, begged even, for my 1st bf to give the relationship a chance.

    later in life i realized that it was completely undeserved.


    no man is worth going down on one's knees for.



    not for me....

    i konw a woman is definitely worth going down for on one knee.... :hypocritesmiley:

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