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Posts posted by testing321

  1. pacman is expected to win the fight with larios, the question is will he fight with guns blazing and not stop until larios is down for the count.


    we must remember that manny pacquiao productions are the ones bringing in the fight here in manila. not to take anything away from our superstar boxer, but will his business sense take over his fighting ways?


    but i think with a good head and with the proper consultation from people around him, they would not hook up with larios if they well damn know that he can be easily beat. i mean if you are a "concert" producer....you wouldn't want the concert to end in 2mins would you? especially when "public" prices can go as high as 30k/patron seat?


    so fight fans, aside from the july2 fight, i think abs will conduct some sparring matches come june 26 in araneta and will be aired eventually in their station later in the week.


    so for manny. let's drink to that!



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