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Posts posted by eltoro_2009ph

  1. I have a concern. I dont know if overdoing it or not but this is my workout schedule; and ive listed it in the order that I do it in as well. Also, when I say weight training, needless to say, I alternate body parts so that I dont overwork my muscles.


    Monday - 1 hour spin and then weight training


    Tuesday - Cardio day: 45 minutes on elliptical and 1 hour of spin


    Wednesday - 1 hour spin in the AM and weights in the PM


    Thursday - Weight training and 1 hour spin


    Friday - off


    Saturday - 1 hour spin


    Sunday - Weight training


    Am I overdoing it or am I slacking? Should I cut back on my workout hours or should I add more?


    I feel okay ... other than the usual little aches and pains ... Im seeing the results actually as well but im not sure if im pushing it too much. (Or is there such a thing as pushing it too much?)


    Also, up to two weeks ago, some of my spin classes were actually kickboxing (not t**-bo but real kickboxing) classes but I noticed that my knees were hurting so I dropped the boxing for now and substituted it with spin.



    My comment on this from my own personal experience... I used to train 6 days a week but found out my body responded better with lesser work out days. Everybody should watch out for overtraining the body can only take so much and sometimes injuries will take its toll. Workout is just one of the pillars of good health, we tend to forget the other 2, Rest and Diet. Also try to get into a program/schedule that you can maintain for years and not only weeks or a few months. Unless you have really lots of time its hard to maintain a 6 day work out schedule consistently. I think a 3-4 day work out schedule is ideal for non-athletes. Mix up your training with cardio and weights, engage in an outdoor sport to add variations.

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