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Posts posted by istaksamson

  1. Not going back to my school is unthinkable. It's not just a place where I earned my degree(s). It's also where much of my fond memories happened, and where I visualize myself to live (at least part of the time) when I grow old.


    Also, a lot happens in my school that I attend even until now. Film screenings, stage plays, alumni events. And if all goes well, I will also be a parent of a future student there.

  2. what is it with the spartacus mythos and hollywood? this is the fourth(?) incarnation of spartacus in movies or tv. and every version has its take, almost like every generation has to have its own version of the story.


    this particular version, i can't discern yet what it wants to say. kurt douglas wanted to say that sacrifice for the greater good was his spartacus. the early 2000's version was more or less the same, but more contemporary. this one, if i am not mistaken, is saying that spartacus is doing this mostly because of the woman he loved.



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