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Posts posted by jaymz

  1. when im doing deadlifts, the bar slowly slips from my left hand before i finish the 5 reps. im lifting 190 lbs for the deadlift, but i think i can do more than that because i can easily lift that 190 lbs (minus the grip problem). probably around 210 lbs (just an assumption).


    what i do is i put down the weights, "reset" my grip, and finish the set. is this the right thing to do? should i continue doing this or should i stick to 190 lbs until i develop a stronger grip? any suggestions, gurus? :)



    IMO, reseting your grip every rep is just fine as long as your grip remains in the same place in the bar. I haven't thought of using straps as I progressed from 185 to 225lbs, 5x5 at eclipse.

  2. wow...looks like there are a lot of experts here ah.

    anyway,I really need help. Wanna have a toned body na...i've been carrying extra flabs for a while now.

    Currently I'm a member in an expensive gym but I plan to quit after november...

    hanap ako ng mas mura...


    I'm interested sa eclipse...mr. olympus or any1 for that matter,please pm me for details...

    Their program: http://www.eclipsegym.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57


    Their rates: http://www.eclipsegym.com/forums/viewtopic...=80&start=0

  3. guys, quick question lang, id started goin to the gym, mga 4 days, my question is advisable ba yung after ng gym o workout eh magshower or sauna or jacuzzi? nagshower kasi ako then paglabas ko inaantok na ako eh and nagluluha mata ko. beginner lang naman ako so hindi pa ako yung tipong nagbubuhat na agad.


    I've been doing that ever since and I didn't notice any bad effects on me. Though I don't know if a cold shower would give you something bad. I just take a hot shower just to make sure.

  4. I dunno if the mods will close this thread soon, but for the meantime, I'll give an answer.


    There's one along Mabini but I don't think it's near United Nations. It's actually in the corner of Mabini and Quirino. If you won't mind having a short trip riding a jeep or a cab, it will be worth going to this gym.




    With regards to protein powders/bars, you can easily find a supplement store in any of the malls around your area. Also, I think there are at least 2 supplement dealers in the forum. Just look in the supplements thread.

  5. Morales has to lose 12lbs while Manny has to lose only 5lbs. Morales has to work harder in less than a month. Could that be detrimental in Erik's performance come Nov. 18? If so, Manny can destroy him worse than their last match.

  6. 9th of July here, 1982 :*


    If there's one thing that a Cancerian is, is that they are passionate in all the things they do.. If they wanna be somebody, they will be that somebody.. not by hook or by crook, but in their own good way.. if they can't be that somebody because of different reasons, they will not be discouraged to try something else..

    Somehow, this fits me.


    born july 19, 1983










    Iron Maiden













    = Kickass!!!

    Hmmm... biased na ako.. avatar ko pa lang.

    Why you did not include Megadeth. Dave Mustaine is really a good songwriter. Too bad that his band has always been behind that of Jaymz Hetfield. (Adik kasi nung una, yan tuloy :thumbsdownsmiley: )

  8. First, you're not ingesting Nitric Oxide directly. The main ingredients in these NO products is arginine, a nitric oxide precursor amino acid.


    The claim of these products is that it will give you big pumps by dilating your blood vessels. Granted, that these products can do that, but what it has to do in gaining in muscles? The bigger the pump, the bigger your muscles will grow? :huh:


    Yes, you will get pumps, your veins are sticking out and you're all psyched up for your training. Does it mean big muscular gains?


    Last thing is that price. NO products are more expensive than creatine. Not worth it.

  9. andrean, kabibili ko lang ng ON Gold, and medyo hesitant nga ako nung una na kunin kasi ngayon ko lang sya ita-try gamitin, I was using megamass 4000 kasi dati for more than 1 year, kaso lang lumobo naman ako sobra sa megamass specially sa mid-section ko kaya naghanap ako ng ibang supplement na hindi gaano nagpapataba. Tanong ko lang kung ok ba ON Gold? anong epekto sayo? and anong difference nya sa ibang products na na-try mo na?

    ON 100% Whey Gold Standard and Weider Megamass 4000 do not belong to the same product line. The first one is a plain protein supplement with 24g of whey protein and only 2g carbs (as per label) per serving whereas Weider Megamass 4000 is a weight gainer with 85 grams of different protein combined and a humongous (spelling check, anyone) amount of carbs (311g) in the form of dextrose and maltodextrin per serving (as per label).


    Now, do you know bakit ka lumobo with Megamass? :lol:

  10. The pump is nothing but a temporary size increase due to blood rush in the muscles.

    Indeed. Many are obsessed with the pump that they even use it to gauge the intensity and/or the effectivity of their workouts. :blink:


    I have a question, In many deadlifts vid I saw, they use a combination of underhand and overhand grip. Does it have any advantage over both overhand or underhand grip?

  11. Well said, Equus. I can't agree more on that. :thumbsupsmiley:


    He mentioned "pump" in some of his exercise. He even describe it as "rock hard." Does the pump have anything to do with any muscular gains? :blink: As if the bigger the pump you get, the bigger your muscles will grow? :huh:


    I only think of pump as a way of making many guys look and feel "huge" momentarily in a gym. Thus, you would see guys in the gym posing in the front of the mirror after swinging some heavy barbell curls :lol:

  12. I have a question regarding deadlift. Do I have to momentarily rest the barbell to the floor after each rep. This is what I see specially when the plates used are 45 or 50lbs on each side. However, there were few times I saw others doing deadlift using smaller plates (20 or 25lbs) and they just stack many of it instead of using the bigger plates. They don't rest the barbell on the floor after each rep.


    To rest or not to rest?

  13. personal experience regarding that thin guy who wants to gain weight...






    Its like asking a baker to make bread without dough... unless your trainer is like jesus christ who can make water into wine, YOU CANNOT SHAPE MUSCLE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE MUSCLE IN THE FIRST PLACE...




    so again, get big, get strong, then when you have the proper foundation of strength and form, GET lean and MEAN!!! that is the right way...

    Many used to think getting their dream physique is as easy as doing biceps curls and ab crunches. Bodybuilding is not a mere game or sport, it's a lifestyle. It will take a ton of discipline, perseverance, patience, motivation etc. to get the body you desire.


    3 main aspects of bodybuilding:

    Proper diet

    Proper training

    Adequate rest


    If you failed in just one, stop dreaming of getting ripped.

  14. What gym do you go to now? I don't wanna be a prick but if you guys expect that we'll make all of you programs, I don't think that would be fair. You guys know where to find us, how about showing up?

    I apologize for it :( . Maybe, I just got carried away. I made the post in a haste, before I left the office last night. I admit, I have gotten enough already from this thread and thanks to these 2 guys. The sample routine workout for Equus is enough to make a start for the 5x5 routine. In fact, I already started with it using my own 5RM and its proportionate amount of weights for the pyramid sets.


    There are even lots of stuff to read over the net. Everybody can figure what to do next with their routines.


    If only I'm near to Eclipse, me signing up is for sure :)


    Anyway, I have a few questions:


    1. The 5x5 routine primarily uses barbell so that we can be able to use the maximum amount of weight in our lifts. My left arm is a bit weaker than my right arm so it is inevitable (although I always try to focus my mind on the left) that my right arm will carry a bit more of the load than the left arm. Will these result to underdevelopment of one side of my body? What's your take on this?


    2. Is there any room for dumbells in a 5x5 routine? This what I thought of so that the left can be "isolated."


    Thanks a lot :mtc:

  15. I'm now doing a conjugate method of our progression and the 10x10.


    It would be better if you got your top 5 for the squat, bench press, deadlift, standing military press dynamic rows and pullups to make it more accurate so that we can accurately make the poundages you will use


    Can I post my own? :rolleyes:


    My 5RM

    bench press: 70lbs (touching the chest)

    deadlift: 75-80lbs barbell resting at the floor at each rep (should I not rest the barbell in the floor after each rep?)

    military press: 40lbs

    squat: 40lbs (using that heavy olympic bar, knees beyond parallel to the floor)

    pullups: 5 reps (underhand shoulder width grip, bodyweight only)

    dynamic rows: I dunno exactly how to perform dynamic rows, but I can do barbell rows at 70lbs with upper body close to being parallel to the floor.


    All weights does not include the weight of the bar. Squat is the only exercise where I use that damn heavy olympic bar.

  16. I used to use a dog leash for a dipping belt back then.


    As of now, I'd focus on getting all 5 sets and 5 reps with your bodyweight first before adding any additional resistance

    Yes, of course, 5x5. Things should never be rushed. Maybe, I'm just excited to see a belt like that hanging in my room and I'll be visualizing myself doing pullups with a 50lb plate hanging from my waist... :rolleyes:


    bro, are you doing 5x5 on your other exercises? how did it go? are you using same weight throughout the 5 sets?


    one variation i read was doing 5sets of same weight, you may fail at the latter sets but its ok... once you complete all 5 sets without failure, you could add weight. is this method ok?


    another variation was to start at low weights and start adding weight as you go along each sets. just like equus program.


    but these are for week 1-3 only... the succeeding weeks, that i dont understand yet.


    question, i think 5x5 phase I is enough for me, i mean, after i am ease with the weights im using in 5x5, ill increase them by 5 or 10 lbs, then do 5x5 again and after a time that i got used to the weights again, ill add up more. is it ok? hope you could give advice, especially from EG or Olympus... thanks in advance.

    Yes, but not all the time. I'm just following Equus' routine and applying my own 5RM (5 reps max) weights. If you'll do a 5x5 with around 90% of your 5RM in all sets, expect that the last set will be :sick: If you can see, the routine does not call for all 5 sets with the same weight. There would be days where you only progress from around 50-60% of your 5RM to around 100% 5RM in your last set. But you are expected to increase all of your lifts by the following week.


    I haven't fully understand the mechanics/theories/principles of the 5x5. I haven't read that much (I will if time will permit). But like I said, since this a low rep range and intense routine and a big change from my typical workout, I'm on it.


    As for my progression, I always bring four 1.25 lbs micro plates when I go the gym. Not all gym have it. I use it for increasing my weights in small increments.


    As for the duration/phase of the 5x5, I'm not really thinking of it. For the meantime, all that matters to me is that I do everything right and what I'll see in the mirror weeks from now :rolleyes:

  17. Since I already can get 5 reps out of my pullups, the way to progress to it in a 5x5 routine is obviously not to increase the reps but the weight by adding few pounds on top of my body weight. The problem is the gym where I work out doesn't have this:


    Does anyone here know where can I buy this belt? Or do you know any alternative or improvised gear that I can use to add weight for my pullups?


    Well, it's not really because I want hang a measly 5lb :lol: plate right away. I just want to be prepared just in case the time comes when I would feel that my 5th rep is still as smooth as the first one :rolleyes:

  18. 2. im gonna remove my isolation exercise too. so what suggested compound exercises that would hit my bis and tris? (advice pls, anyone?!)


    5. you're lucky you could get up 5 times... i could do only one.. hehehehe (could i use lat pulldowns instead?got no strength to pull myself just yet)


    2. Barbell rows and pullups hit your back and your biceps at the same time. For triceps, bench and military press both hits the shoulders and triceps. I would recommend underhand grip for barbell rows as it involves the biceps more than the over hand grip. Anyone, am I right? :rolleyes:


    3. Lat pulldows and pullups are opposite to each in terms of how the body is dealing with resistance. In lat pulldowns, the resistance is coming towards your body whereas in pullups, it is your body which is coming towards the resistance. As Olympus said, lat pulldowns are a lazy man's out of the pullups. You can add strength in doing pullups. Maybe you can only do 1 today. Next week, who knows, you can get 2, then next week... :rolleyes: Oh well, all depends in so many things. :goatee:

  19. This is my personal observation, I dunno if others will agree.


    Most (if not all) of fat women would look better overall (face and body) if they are not fat. I've seen few girls that used to be fat and I think they look prettier now. Whenever I see fat women on my work, I always try to visualize how would they look like if they are not fat. There was never an instance that my "visualization" :lol: presented an image of them being slim worse than what these girls look now. I'm sure to myself it is not just on my mind and not that I have a preconceived notion that fat is not beautiful.


    I think I just saw a good example here. Look at warmheat (I mean the pic in her avatar, if it's not her). I can imagine how fat (or chubby :lol: ) is that girl judging from her face. Now, I think she is pretty to begin with (walang bola :heart: ). But try to imagine if she can trim the fat off her cheeks and get rid of that siopao outline of her face. Use your "visualization." :hypocritesmiley: Face pa lang yun.


    The health and physical reasons are more than enough for any fat people to consider transforming themselves. There are other benefits one could gain from staying fit and healthy.

  20. 1) Not necessarily. This is very much a grey area. Many of us have been progressing for years while letting workouts go 1.5 hours. Part of this research is related to Olympic weightlifting and has not been thoroughly reviewed. It is mainly for the elite level athletes...not necessarily for beginners.


    6) Abs are indeed fast twitch and respond to brief and intense stimulus....like keeping you from falling over when performing the military press or squat. Very good my young padawan -_-


    1. Ah, but since I've been lifting for only a year, I'll just stick for less than an hour. :goatee: For the years to come, I need to have more experience, strength, mass etc. to work longer (elite, as EG said).


    2. OT (just curious): what is "padawan"? :unsure: Is that a local word?

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