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Posts posted by nuneynu

  1. Wow! That is really alot. I don't think i could afford that. Finally, my share for the estate would only be about 12.5m. On filing fee alone, i'll be spending so much already. Dagdagan pa ng attorney's fee and other charges. May matira pa kaya sa akin?


    I'm really thinking it over. Kaya lang baka not worth the expenses.

    Filing fees for an inheritance claim will be around 3-4% of the value of the land. So, you are looking at at least 3M filing fees.


    But if you are just filing for letters of administration, it might be cheaper. Plus, as an administration, you might be able to ask for a monthly stipend. It is best to go to a clerk of court in a hall of justice and just inquire about the fees.



  2. This is a tough one. It is best to file for letters of administration. File a petition in the city where one of the properties is located. Give notice to the other heirs. That way you can "force" a settlement and get your 12.5% of the estate. Have yourself bought out. Even if you end up with less than 10%. That 2.5% will go to legal fees anyway.



  3. Thank you for your reply sir. In the event that we decide to file a case in court. I was told that the court filing fee is very expensive. Approximately how much should we prepare if such event does happen.


    Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge.

  4. Our family is currently in a feud regarding the estate my grandparents left. My mom, who is a direct heir passed away already. Leaving me and my brother as successors. We are contemplating on filing a case in court for our claim since they refuse to divide the estate. The estae is worth 100m based on bir zonal valuation. Diivided by 8 children, including my mom.

  5. hey guys!


    cool lang kayo... didn't intend for my inquiry to spark such an exchange. i appreciate both of your opinions. tutal, you're threading the same line naman eh. no need to be personal.

  6. sir,


    the case is still under the office of the prosecutor right now. i received my first subpeona summoning me to report there on the 26th.


    may i know whats the status of the case? where is it pending now?
  7. thanks for your very usefull info.


    i hope you don't mind if ask some more additional info. namely, does the fact that the rider does not have any license and that his motorcycle isn't registered hold any weight in court? secondly, does the release they signed become invalid since i wasn't able to process the insurance claim when they decided to file a case against me instead?


    i really wanted to settle and i offered a very decent amount. but they refuse to accept and demanded an amount i really couldn't afford. the case is now with the quezon city fiscal and we'l have our first hearing on tuesday.


    maraming salamat po.

  8. good morning sa inyo!


    i need an expert advice kasi someone is suing me for reckless imprudence resulting to damage to property with physical injuries. i was driving my pick up truck when i hit a motorcycle at the back. to make things worse, i was a bit drunk during the time. but there was no alcohol test done on me though. however the rider only has a student permit and the motorcycle isn't registered.


    we had an agreement before and they signed a release form stating that in acknowledgment of thirty thousand pesos plus the money to be collected from the insurance claim of my pick up truck. however, i was not able to claim the insurance, third party liability, since they changed their mind and decided to file a case instead. they claimed that the insurance has already lapsed. i contended them and told them that miski na lapse na since it is still valid during the time of the accident, we could still claim.


    my lawyer assured me that i will not go to jail for this and that wala naman nakukulong sa case na ganito except those who does not consult a lawyer. i am still bothered though, and i would appreciate a lot if you could give me your opinion regarding this matter.


    maraming salamat in advance!

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