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Posts posted by goodgood

  1. Yes, please! I've seen a lot of failed marriages in this country that is beyond salvation, and I don't believe  in couples staying together even though the relationship is obviously f**ked up. Unfortunately for us, the Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country, and the chances of getting divorce implemented here can be compared to a snowball's chance in hell. So-called moralists came up with various arguments as to why divorce is evil, they keep on insisting that divorce would ruin the lives of the children and that couples who are joined together by God in the holy bonds of marriage should not be torn apart. Would you still subscribe to this bullshit even though the husband is beating the wife to a pulp every night and spending hard-earned money on gambling, alcohol and other women? (Women have their faults too, just to be fair to the men.) Would you still not contemplate breaking off the union even though the children are getting traumatized to listening to their parents yelling at the top of their lungs for all the neighbors to hear? Children would be better off in a civilized arrangement where the parents are divorced, peacefully, and not biting each other's heads off. Conservatives have to accept that not all relationships can be mended, and that dissolving it is a far better solution.




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