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Posts posted by st.anger

  1. aba aba aba aba.. kasama sa listahan ang friendster?!? tanong ko bakit. ang sagot ay ginagamit raw NILA makipagcommunicate not only with each other but also with the US counterpart?!? so anong gamit ng sariling mail server that I pay to have maintained?!?


    hay. anong akala nung supervisor, t@nga ako? the ban stays but he will not. We're currently looking for a suitable replacement not only for the position of supervisor but his whole group!


    lwow. talk about insulting your intelligence! lol

  2. I have hurt someone by being way too honest ....


    She asked me about my past .... i made the mistake of telling her ...


    Now I can't pull it back ....


    It's so confusing .... I want to be honest with her, but then i ended up hurting her more .... what is the right thing to do in a situation like this?


    we're in the same boat. by being too honest i hurt someone dear to me. all i can do is wait for her to "forgive" me. :cry:

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