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iwalkalone last won the day on April 16 2011

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    shorten please. Thanks.

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  1. "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." --Mother Teresa Six reasons why kind, encouraging words are your best asset: 1.The power to speak healing words is available to you at all times, in all places, under all circumstances. Healing words are lighter than a laptop, more portable than a credit card. They can never be lost, stolen, or left at home. 2.Healing words cost you nothing. No matter how financially strapped you are, you can give lavishly with encouraging words. 3.Speaking kind words is a win-win situation. Both the speaker and the one spoken to walk away feeling great. 4.Healing words can calm better than a tranquilizer, with no adverse side effects. However, they are habit forming (thank goodness!) 5.Encouraging words are a non-depletable resource. No matter how many you use, you always have an unlimited supply. 6.Encouraging words yield high returns. You spend a small amount of energy and time, and the effect on the person spoken to can last for years-or even change a life.
  2. I've always loved that night. No matter how chaotic my day is...when darkness approaches...a feeling of freedom creeps in me. It's so peaceful , safe...quiet...and dark ...it's like a refuge from the troubles and cares of this life. It's like...at night...you get to be intouch with your true being...yours and yours alone....the whole world disappears...and you are on your own...to think...to feel...to be free. At times I wish the night would stay forever....oh how i pray for time to cease right there. How peaceful my loved ones are sleeping...my heart is overwhelmed . As i look around ...i see everything so perfect and beautiful..every little ugly details unilluminated and concealed in sweet obscurity.
  3. Do you miss me? Do you love me? If i court you...do i stand a chance? Aww! Gimme a break!!!
  4. Right now i wish i am in the town of..."Harvest Moon...A WONDERFUL LIFE ". Just strolling around....Aaah Very...peaceful... La..la...la...la...
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