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Posts posted by dramaqueen

  1. feelings vs. logic, heart vs. brain.


    your feelings towards someone just happens, without having to rationalize it. it's either you have feelings towards that person or you don't. you see someone attractive, you feel this 'kilig' in you. then .. you use your brain to rationalize whether you should go with your feelings or not.

  2. so let's begin again.


    the next poster will answer the previous poster's question and then ask the question .." will you still love me ..?"


    the last question asked " will you still love me eventhough I don't love you?"


    my answer: sorry dearie, I'm not a fool.



    my question: will you still love me eventhough I am insanely jealous and drive you nuts?

  3. no matter how bad thing got, or how sad, angry,frustrated -- i got, never did I ever thought of committing suicide. but .. there was this one time that I was at my worst emotional state, I said quietly ...." ang sakit-sakit, ayoko na dalhin 'to .. sana mamatay na lang ako ( drama bah?) .." pero 3 seconds later, bawi ako kagad " lord, I did not mean that..., binabawi ko.." baka pagbigyan niya ako eh,yoko ko pang mamatay.

  4. i never begged/stopped someone from breaking up with me. i know enough that if he does not want me as much as i I want him, I lose, mahirap pilitin ang ayaw. in fact, I was in a few situations when the guy just dumped me, stopped calling me or seeing me, I hunted him down and told him .." break up with me .. on my face, don't be a coward.." so he did, and with my face up,and a smile I said " good, see you later, at least me closure tayo." pag-uwi ko saka ako iiyak. by letting him go .. I still have my dignity intact.

  5. FACT IS - women can have sex with men they have no feelings for, just mere pyhsical attraction.


    However, there are women who will not admit that they are capable of such thing, you know, having sex just for sex. Culturally speaking, Filipinas are raised to think they should only make love with the 'man' she loves. So after she had sex with someone, she rationalizes it, but saying, " dahil mahal ko siya," well the truth was, she had sex mainly for 'lust.' Admitting that .. for a lot of Filipina women think that makes them cheap. However .. nowadays, Filipinas are becoming more open and liberated about it. That's my opinion.

  6. i had an ex. whom i dated with for a month while i was visiting the Philippines. i thought it was just going to be a fling .. but when i came back here (north america), i realized how much i missed him. evryday i thought bout him, i thought bout going back home for good to give our relationship a chance. i was depressed , then the dreaded thing happened, he found someone else after bout 8 months of regular communication. he said " cool off muna tayo." damned .. that broke my heart, to think i was ready to give up my job here so i can give 'us' a chnce. after we broke up, i still couldnt get him out of my system eventhough .. my steady bf for 5 years and i had reconciled. i got married (to my steady bf) .. strted a family and then i got a call from my ex .. he's here. we agreed to meet .. my feelings for him were still there .. but we decided we wont see each other anymore. i got over him .. now .. i wonder where he is or how's he doing.

  7. the best most meaningful experiences one can have are those moments shared with the one we love


    the worst most painful experinces one can have are those moments when love had gone wrong,when relationship ends ..


    but i still believe in " it is better to love and and get hurt, than not experience LOVE at all."


    life is full of surprises, one, is finding love when you least expect it. falling in love is like a gamble - no matter how hard you try to win (meaning finding lifetime happiness).. there's just no guarantee that you'll win. all you can do is do your best and hope for the best, but be prepared to lose or get hurt.

  8. the key is being yourself. being confident of who you are. you treat women with respect and listen to them attentively, you will be appreciated for who you are.



    Excellent points DramaQueen! I agree with all of them, and routinely practice them.  :blush:  :hypocritesmiley:


    We guys must learn from these points and JUST DO IT! but you should not try too hard if it is not really you; it would hurt you from pretending and later you could also end up losing the girl when you switch back to your true color.  :thumbsdownsmiley: I think these points are pretty much common sense and should be easy to follow.  B)

  9. Guys, did u ever see the movie " What Women Want" starring Mel Gibson. well okay mel isnt ugly, but theres a good story to be learned from that movie. If a man can find out what women want, his looks wont be that important. What women want? someone who takes the time to listen to them, someone who accepts her for what she is. A man who is not afraid to show his soft side, his weaknesses, his sensitivity, his vulnerabilty. A man who knows what he wants and not afraid to take risks to get it. A man who can provide and take care of his family. This kind of man is for keeps, not just there for fun.


    When i was much younger, of course i was lookinf the cute ones, but as i mature .. looks come second. Whats more important is how a man treats his woman, whats in his heart, in his mind and of course .. him being great in bed is always an asset.

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