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    I'm your typical girly girl that loves all things pretty & girly. A bit nerdy and studious. My interests varies from politics, history, religion, traveling, literature, learning new cultures, and meeting new people...hahaha as oppose to old people.

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  1. Hi...need mtc members help! I'm doing this essay for socio comparing public education with another country to the U.S. I was hoping some of you kind mtc members will share some of your personal experience/knowledge about P.I.'s public education. any info before my June 29 deadline would be greatly appreciated :thumbsupsmiley: * kind mods...I browsed around and I could not find another existing thread *
  2. Men doing chores sexy, poll finds Misty Harris, Canwest News Service Published: Saturday, February 16, 2008 Watching a man perform housework can be as potent an aphrodisiac as oysters and George Clooney movies. In a poll of 1,300 moms, Parenting Magazine found fully 15 per cent were wooed into the mood by "choreplay" -- that is, seeing their partner pitch in around the house. In simplest terms, women give kisses to men who do dishes. "I think most men aren't aware of how powerful these efforts can be," says Joy Davidson, a New York-based sex therapist. Email to a friend Printer friendly Font:****"If you said, 'By increasing your help with daily chores by 30 per cent, you'll increase your sex frequency by 50 per cent,' how many men would dismiss that? Probably not too many." The results of the online survey are lent scientific support by a recently published study in the American Journal of Public Health that showed a "significant association" between a husband's contributions to domestic chores and his wife's emotional health. Similarly, a 2006 study by a pair of U.S. sociologists found husbands who help around the house are more attractive to their wives. Jasmin Sykes, who has been married two years, says when her husband helps out with the chores -- which she notes is often -- the "significant boost" it gives to their sex life is far greater than when he buys her flowers or makes other material gestures. "Just the fact that he would do something to ease the load is a huge turn-on," says Sykes, who lives in Edmonton with her hubby and toddler. "I don't think that physically seeing him do housework turns me on necessarily, but the feeling of love and relief I get afterwards definitely does it for me." Samantha Lavin, who has been married nearly 17 years, says that her spouse's contribution to household tasks has diminished such that when he does make a special effort, it's an "endearing" and highly noticeable event. "When my husband took down the Christmas decorations this year -- something he hadn't done since we moved to Canada (in 2003) -- it was very thrilling," says Lavin, laughing. The Sherwood Park, Alta., woman is teaching her two sons that helping out with domestic chores is one of the best ways to impress a girl.
  3. Are you satisfied with your life as it is now? Or is there something missing that would complete your life? Wealth, knowledge, love for yourself, beauty, peace of mind, that special someone? I also considered myself as an under-achiever. I didn't put much effort in school but I still excelled much to my surprise. Yet, I have this gnawing feeling that I've squandered all my chances to achieve success in my life. I get excited over a new project or new interest then as quickly as I get interested, I lose interest just as fast. I achieved quite a bit in my career but found myself tiring of the rat race and finding that life nearly unfulfilling. So at I get near my 2nd debut, I'm scrabbling to find what it is that makes me happy besides being a mom and a wife. Finding a sense of accomplishment in my professional life... a job or careeer that I would really enjoy, something that's worth my time being spent away from my kids and husband, and being able to balance that with a fulfilling personal life....Once I find or achieve these, only then can I truly say I'm complete.
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