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Posts posted by 3nity

  1. THank you for the wisdom and understanding...

    THank you for the patience...

    Thank you for the trials...


    Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

    Thank you for choosing me to serve you.

    Thank you for the music... THank you for the voice.


    Thank you for the strength, good health, & protection..

    Thank you for sending your angels to look after my family...


    Thank you for everything my Lord...

    Thank you my Master!

  2. From the 90's it was... Can't remember, i think it was P.Ewing who wore that basketball shoes. It has strap all the way to the sole. And I think it was the most number of checks Nike shoes model has...


    ... so NIce it was!

  3. There will be no unanswered prayers from our God...

    Our hearts desire will happen in His time & His best own way...


    We just don't notice the answers to our prayers because they don't happen on our own way, but when we recieve NO from our prayers that doesn't mean that he didn't answer us, that's actually the perfect answer from our God who knows and gives the best for us.

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